Grape diet? But even no

Grape diet? But even no

grape dietDo you know those diets that I always advise you never to do? Single-issue diets. That of the artichoke in oil, the grizzled turnip, the albino pear. What you have to eat only grizzled turnips or albino pears in all snacks, at the end of a meal, at breakfast, before going to bed, if possible you have to gargle to take full advantage of the detox effect.
Useless diets, just useful to fill the web pages or paper of some magazines, fillers.Among this is the diet of grapes, a fruit with a medium-high glycemic index, which we should exploit, according to those who recommend it to us “the diuretic and purgative virtues of the fruit”. Not true. Some types of grapes have a skin that appears to be waterproof, but the plastic one, the anti-rain in short. Others have seeds that are so resistant that they just make you forget to go to the bathroom. But obviously these things, true, are not said. According to the grape diet, it is necessary either to eat grapes for at least three days without touching any other food (drastic version), or to eat grapes for breakfast, snack and after meals, for a total of two / three kilos of grapes, with a load higher glycemic than a nice spaghetti with tuna (useless version). Seriously, here are all the contraindications to the grape diet

– Grapes do not have a high satiating power. Grapes “weigh” because of their water and do not have a high satiety index. A grape-based snack, like a small bunch, weighs no less than 250 grams. That is, a 150-calorie snack, the equivalent of three low-fat yogurts or two medium hard-boiled eggs and a nice plum. The problem is that it is not full. He makes you pee and then your hunger returns.
– Grapes do not have a low glycemic index:according to the grape diet, at the end of the day you find yourself eating no less than one / two kilos. It is true that it tends to be diuretic and deflating, but it is also true that what remains after peeing is the grape sugar. That if not burned it converts to fat. I feel worse with grape centrifuged: fruit-based juices and centrifuged have a higher glycemic index than the whole fruit. – Grapes are fruit, but they are not low-calorie: to be fruit, grapes are certainly not low-calorie. If a bunch has an average of 150 calories, 4/5 bunches offer you 700 calories in all. What is the rest of the diet based on to be low-calorie? With 700 calories a day what can you ever eat satisfyingly? – Grapes make you hungry:
not satiating and stimulating diuresis, grapes make you hungrier. At the end of the diet you would eat the bath mat. Why on earth suffer like this?
– Grapes have many properties, but not for everyone: I am not saying that you must not make grapes, but that it is wrong to overdo it. Those who already suffer from hyperglycemia (diabetics) and high triglycerides cannot eat sugary fruit, including grapes. Those who already have digestive problems and do not digest fiber well should eat it without skin and without seeds. A bit difficult if you have to eat it five or six times a day or even eat only grapes all day. Also not recommended for hypotheses.
Furthermore, the fact that grapes have so many properties does not mean that we have to stuff ourselves. If we had a varied diet, sugary as well as acidic fruits would already be present in our diet. It is the limit of mono-food diets, to make believe that by eating so much of one thing the effects are amplified.

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