Gotu kola and cellulite: does centella work?

Gotu kola and cellulite: does centella work?

Today on Dcomedieta we are hosting an article on gotu kola written by the team of the site, a well- known online herbalist.
The theme is gotu kola . Does it work for cellulite or not? Let’s see their opinion below.

Cellulite is a disorder that mainly affects women and causes the accumulation of fat under the skin . It is mainly localized on the buttocks and thighs, and less frequently on the arms and stomach. It can have several causes: overweight, water retention, circulatory disorders, familiarity and sedentary lifestyle, poor diet, stress, taking medications or particular phases of life such as menopause and pregnancy.
Cellulite manifests itself with the infamous orange peel skin, with a grainy appearance and small ‘holes’. In addition to being unsightly, it can also cause pain when it is widespread and in an advanced stage.

It is essential to control the lifestyle to prevent and fight cellulite, and also to use herbal medicine .
Draining herbal teas, capsules, mother tincture, ointments and creams: all methods of intake are useful against cellulite. In fact, natural remedies help the body to eliminate toxins and reduce water retention ; in this way cellulite is prevented and the conditions of the existing one are improved. There are many herbs and plants useful against cellulite:

dandelion, burdock, horsetail, pilosella, birch, pineapple stalk. All usable as infusions and – better – as tablets. The infusions in particular favor diuresis and the elimination of liquids even more, while the tablets are more suitable for long-term treatments and have a higher concentration of active ingredients.
Among the most effective natural remedies, gotu kola stands out , also known as the longevity plant and the meadow tiger, known for its use in Asian natural medicine.

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