GOLO diet to lose 10 kg by acting on the metabolism

GOLO diet to lose 10 kg by acting on the metabolism

I’m sure you are unfamiliar with the GOLO diet, a very famous diet in the United States. 
But you have done a similar one at least once. The GOLO diet is a low carb diet with a subscription program, which has had a great success but has not yet arrived in Italy. Part of the success of the GOLO diet lies in its inventor, Dr. Keith Ablow. A well-known US psychiatrist, author of books and self-help programs, Ablow promises to make dieters lose ten kilos in 8 weeks , with a series of metabolic benefits.

In fact, Ablow says he has found a way to lower the metabolic age of 8-year-olds, or to rejuvenate them from the point of view of their metabolic capacity.

Obviously he first tested it on himself and thus invented the GOLO diet.
In short, with the GOLO diet the metabolism accelerates .

Here are the three secrets of the GOLO diet and how to mimic these results. 

golo legumes diet

As I told you, you have already done a similar diet at least once in your life.
The Golo diet is in fact a low-carbohydrate diet without being restrictive. And as some studies have shown, low carb diets cause you to lose more weight in the early days than carbohydrate diets. So imagine a protein regimen with fewer carbohydrates.

The difference is that compared to the real low carb diet, the GOLO diet also combines supplements with natural ingredients capable of increasing insulin sensitivity and reducing the sense of hunger, and a high-intensity exercise program (HIIT training) that it takes no more than half an hour a day and can be done at home.

Works? The effectiveness of the GOLO diet was in fact launched through a study on a sample of participants, and the average weight lost is 10 kilos in 2 months. Here is the plan to follow.


Allowed foods and portions.
simple diet breakfast

  • Proteins: eggs, veal, chicken, turkey, bresaola, seafood, white fish (hake, sea bream, sea bass, cod), natural tuna, skimmed dairy products (white Greek yogurt 0%, white quark 0%, cottage cheese, skim milk), natural tofu.
    Dose: 100 grams per meal for solid proteins, 200 ml for yogurt / milk or 2 eggs.
  • Carbohydrates allowed: pumpkin, red fruits, strawberries, cherries, citrus fruits, sweet potatoes, normal potatoes, boiled beans, sweet corn, sour fruit such as kiwi, low calorie fruit such as melon.
    Dose: 100 grams per meal (beans and corn when cooked, the rest weighed when raw).
    Fibers: all kinds of vegetables in free quantity.
  • Fats: nuts, olive oil, coconut oil, chia seeds, flax seeds, hemp seeds, bitter cocoa.
    Dose: about 10 grams per meal.
  • Allowed sweeteners : stevia or similar sweetener (Truvia, Tic).

* the quantities are designed for women. Men must multiply both proteins and carbohydrates by two in the 3 main meals. Snacks remain unchanged. 

Slimming plan. 

A supplement of magnesium + zinc + chromium.
In addition, an inositol supplement or an alpha lipoic acid supplement.

On Amazon you can find a single supplement that combines these things:
HN Myo Inositol 1000mg per Dose with Folic Acid, Chromium Picolinate, Magnesium Glycinate and Zinc 
Both should be taken just before breakfast.

A protein food of your choice between milk, dairy products or eggs + a food based on carbohydrates of your choice and a food based on fat. For example: 100 grams of skimmed Greek yogurt with 100 grams of kiwi in pieces and cocoa cream obtained by mixing 10 grams of cocoa with stevia and adding a little water.
Choice of coffee or tea with sweetener.

Snack: a portion of red fruits or 100 grams of orange + some nuts.

Before meals: one pill of banaba leaf extract (one for lunch and one for dinner).
Yamamoto Research Banaba 60 Capsules – 50 Gr .

Lunch and dinner:
 a protein food of your choice, a food based on carbohydrates, a food based on fat + fiber (i.e. vegetables) in free quantity.
For example: 100 grams of bresaola or veal, plus mixed salad with 100 grams of sweet corn or boiled beans, lemon juice and a teaspoon (half a dose) of olive oil. Plus 5 grams (half a dose) of almonds at the end of the meal.

Afternoon: a rhodiola-based supplement.
FITORODIOLA for example.

Snack: a protein food of your choice + a portion of fat (for example 100 grams of skimmed yogurt + 10 grams of almonds).

Physical activity: 20 minutes of HIIT, like this one after breakfast or after a snack. Alternatively, try this workout and add just 5 minutes of jogging in place or free stretching.

For an accurate weekly diet plan , look at the one week menu. 

Maintenance: the rule remains to associate a protein food with one of fats and carbohydrates.

The list of carbohydrates increases: you can take even 30 grams of bread for lunch and dinner in the first week or double the dose of potatoes or beans (or choose other legumes).
From the second week of maintenance, 50 grams of pasta or rice can be eaten at lunch or dinner. From the third week on, you can have a free meal in moderation.

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