Get back in shape in September, my advice

Get back in shape in September, my advice

Summer is often not just a holiday and relaxation, but also a few food snags that lead us to eat a little more, and in short to expand: that’s right, we make a beastly effort to make a good impression with the costume, but time two weeks we give in to ice creams, aperitifs, pizzas.
When you come back from vacation, you find yourself a little more rounded and relaxed, but above all a little more rounded. 😀
How to get back on track?
Of course, it is difficult to give advice that works for everyone, but in this article I will try to find solutions that in a week will reduce the swelling and free you of a kilo or two, if these kilos have come “recently” and are linked to a disordered caloric surplus, a few more alcoholic drinks, lack of meal times. Subsequently, after this week, it is good to go back to good eating and living habits: join the gym, eat the right one, allowing yourself only one free meal a week, do not rush for immediate results in terms of weight loss. Here is the weekly one-week plan to get back in shape in September.


First of all, the number of meals is not essential: I will focus on lunch and dinner, while it is preferable to skip breakfast if we are used to it or reduce it to a minimum by choosing protein foods if we really can’t skip it.
The reason is simple: if you combine a dietary regimen with intermittent fasting , adjusting meals in an eight-hour time, you lose weight more easily and quickly, reduce the craving for sweets and increase your metabolism a little.
The scheme for the two meals is very simple: mix of raw and cooked vegetables + protein dish and low carbohydrates.

Breakfast: unsweetened coffee or tea.

Lunch (1.00 pm or 2.00 pm): a vegetable cream obtained by blending green leafy vegetables of your choice already boiled (endive, spinach, rocket, field herbs) or broccoli with a cup of broth (meat or vegetable, best homemade) and a tablespoon of oil. 150 grams of meat, fish or tempeh, cooked with aromatic herbs and spices + a small portion of raw and finely chopped vegetables with a choice of: tomatoes, fennel, carrots, cucumbers, with a teaspoon of oil + aromatic herbs + a sweet potato medium boiled or 100 gr of normal potato.

Afternoon snack: cucumber and celery detox smoothie obtained by blending a cucumber and a stick of celery with half a glass of water and a teaspoon of agave syrup.

Afternoon snack 2: 5 or 6 almonds

Dinner (8.00 pm or 9.00 pm):  a bowl of mixed salad dressed with a teaspoon of oil + aromatic herbs of your choice and 6-7 olives. An omelette of two eggs (not if you ate them for breakfast) with mushrooms or zucchini sautéed in a tablespoon of oil, or alternatively 200 gr of molluscs or crustaceans net of the shell or a package of non-skimmed cottage cheese + a plate of mushrooms, courgettes, aubergines or peppers stir-fried in a tablespoon of oil. Two or three dark chocolate cubes.

The pattern must be followed for six days in a row. On the seventh day, a dish of 80 grams of rice with vegetables and a tablespoon of oil replaces one of the two meals.


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