In this guide dedicated to Genshin Impact 2.4, we want to help you choose among the new 5-star characters available from January.

The update to version 2.4 of Genshin Impact , known as “Fleeting Colors in Flight”, will be available on January 5th for all fans. This includes several 5-star characters: even if you will see reruns of the banners, you may want to know which one to choose from, in case you are setting aside the primogems for just moments like this. Without too many words, here is our guide on the best 5-star characters in the update of version 2.4. 

What are the best 5 star Genshin Impact characters? Here is the guide 

Both Shenhe and Xiao will be available when the Genshin Impact version 2.4 update goes live on January 5th. After these two, Ganyu and Zhongli will also arrive at the same time.

4 – Shenhe 

Certainly the least palatable of the upcoming characters. However, if you look closely, you will notice that it serves as a great support for Cryo characters. Her elemental ability, Spring Spirit Summoning, creates the Icy Quill buff for party members. Attacks, elemental abilities, and elemental explosions that deal Cryo damage will trigger this effect, increasing the damage based on Shenhe’s ATK stat. Likewise, triggers also have a “quota,” a limit to the number of times you will receive the damage boost. Bringing her up to constellation level 6 negates this limit for normal and charged attacks only, and that’s enough.

3 – Xiao

Xiao is still one of the best DPS characters in the game. He doesn’t require a lot of investment (for example, a couple of Viridescent Venerer and Gladiator’s Finale pieces should be fine). Likewise, his style of play is quite simple: he dashes and hits enemies a couple of times with his elemental ability, then takes advantage of his burst attacks.

Unfortunately, there are some downsides:

  • It does not regenerate energy if you use the elemental ability during its explosion. As such, it needs a “battery” (ie another character capable of generating energy).
  • He loses health whenever his burst is active, which means you may need a healer.
  • Although he uses Anemo, he has no control skills.

2 – Zhongli

Zhongli is back “only” for the third time, but he is still an excellent choice:

  • Its elemental blast deals massive damage. It can also petrify enemies, making it a great option for controlling a group of opponents.
  • When characters gain a shield from his elemental ability, they will reduce the physical and elemental resistances of nearby enemies.
  • His abilities scale up to his maximum HP. Therefore, you can simply stack the HP stats and turn it into something really over the top.

1 – Ganyu

The best choice among all, however, at least in our opinion, remains Ganyu, since it can do a gigantic number of damage.

  • Ganyu’s elemental ability deals area damage while acting as a taunt.
  • Its elemental blast has a nearly 100% uptime and has a huge area attack.
  • Among all the qualities, however, it is his charged attack that makes him shine at its best. I After aiming for only a couple of seconds, he will fire devastating shots more like rockets than arrows. The shots will “bloom” once they are stabbed into the enemy’s flesh to also inflict powerful area damage.

This was all in our guide dedicated to the best 5-star characters to take in Genshin Impact 2.4, the famous game developed by the Chinese software house miHoYo . We remind you that if you need it, we have a section dedicated to guides updated with all the titles of the moment.

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