Generaleralized anxiety and phobias
Good evening, I suffer from generalized anxiety and phobias, they gave me antidepressants and anxiolytics but I can’t take them for too much fear of side effects. I can’t believe that there is nothing natural about it. I have tried Bach flowers but I think I have found a herbalist not suitable for me. So I read about ansiolev or sedatix, reading they look like excellent products and even my psychologist said yes with no side effects. Do you have any other suggestions? Has anyone really recovered from all of this? As written, I also do psychotherapy and I want to start living and doing everyday things normally and without fear. I have a little girl to raise. Thank you all.
Health Answers

Excellent psychotherapy. Good for ansiolev, but if after two months there is no significant benefit, it is good to resort to the individual components that are in the anxiolev. Ansiolev is a set of supplements that have a positive effect, but only one of these (only magnesium, only “African bean” (Grffonia), only Taurine, only Vitamin B6. Only one of these but at higher doses, can get more Without ever forgetting that none of these should be taken chronically: if they have an effect, we realize it within 15 days of taking, in this case extend for a maximum of two months, stop and then resume after a few months or in times of greatest need, always getting advice on the doses and timing of administration. But, first of all, it is good to see with your general practitioner that certain pathologies / deficiencies, perhaps mild ones, which can instead cause or facilitate these phenomena of anxiety / phobias, are to be excluded. That is, you must check with your doctor: iron deficiency in the blood (complete blood count, blood ferritin), 1 in 10 individuals, particularly women of childbearing age suffer from it without knowing it, thyroid function (T3, T4, TSH in the blood) . Avoid or strongly reduce the dietary intake of substances that promote states of anxiety: refined flours and sugar, hydrogenated fats (margarines and “junk foods”), alcohol, theine and caffeine. If you feel like it, I would also do a 2-3 week gluten-free test (no foods based on wheat, spelled, rye, oats, barley) and see if you notice a strong improvement: in the case identified the cause in a mild undiagnosed form of celiac disease. Yoga, Shiatsu, Bioenergetic Manipulation (see my online text in case) can be very beneficial without drugs. Do these approaches then if you want we will hear from you again:, Dr. Giorgio Bianciardi
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