Freeletics, the app to lose weight without a gym

Freeletics, the app to lose weight without a gym

It’s called Freeletics Bodyweight, and Dcomedieta has tested it for you: it is an app that offers two possible ways to lose weight without a gym , through simple workouts that can also be done at home (or in the gym, of course), and that they include free body exercises organized in circuits.

That is, in rounds. A first round of 3 or 4 exercises to be done for example for 50 repetitions each, without pause between one exercise and another. A second round with 40 reps per exercise. A third round with 30 repetitions, a fourth with twenty and so on. In total, a workout that can take from 10-15 minutes if you choose the cards for beginners to half an hour, forty minutes if you choose the cards for athletes or athletic people, already trained.


I was saying, there are two ways to lose weight without a gym but using the Freleetics app: during registration you are asked for both your age, weight and height and your training habits (if you never train, if you train twice a week, etc.) and goals, which can range from losing body weight to reducing stress to increasing strength or increasing particular skills.

Once this is done, you access a panel where a coaching service is proposed and a number of workouts per week is suggested: you are asked to click on the “Generate the coach program” button and the button must be clicked whether you want the coaching service. coaching that not. This thing repeats every time you connect, unfortunately, but it takes a few seconds, because the data is stored.


The coaching service is paid and promises to get results in 3 months, 6 months or 12 months.
For three months the service costs about 3 euros per week if you also want to have a food plan, two euros if you only want to have the training plan. The price drops if you choose the longer option, 6 months or 12 months.
In practice, a training and nutrition service for three months costs less than a month in any gym.

The other way is to do it yourself, of course: I must say that it is not very intuitive, because the aim is to make you choose the paid coaching service.


In this case you have to click on “ Explore the app without the coach “, and at that point you have to click on the symbols below, which are five and are not highlighted. In fact, you will find the icon of a card, a watch that should be a stopwatch, the coach section (the only one visible well), the profile icon and the news icon.
By clicking on the stopwatch icon, you will have access to the workout area.
For each selected workout you do, you will get points.  The workout section is free, and is divided into tabs or individual exercises. For each card and exercise there are some indicative videos. If you are not an expert, choose a ready-made card, starting with the one that includes a maximum of 3 exercises.

Warning: it is not essential that you do all the training for the first time, and you do not have to do it every day.
These are high intensity workouts. If you’ve never done them, it’s tough.
So I recommend starting with a 3-exercise circuit, halving the repetitions, or even doing a fifth.
Do this for a month, three times a week, and you will already see results without wanting to give up.
After each session, stretching is essential.

Some boards require no equipment, others the pull-up bar.
If you are training at home and this is your first time, choose the boards without equipment, for example Athena or Aphrodite or Metis .
If you are already trained, choose cards for high difficulty athletes, and these often include the pull-up bar.
Otherwise, you can go back to the workout panel and choose the individual exercises with which to compose your card.


The advantage of Freelitics is to give free worksheets and free exercises complete with explanatory videos. The disadvantages are two: one, that exploring the app looking for free resources is not very intuitive, I have explained to you how to do it but the coaching service is always very advertised. Two: The exercises are effective, but somewhat repetitive, representing variations of pull ups, lunges, squats and crunches or burpees for eighty percent of the program.
But to work it works. Many people who choose this weight loss app even lose 5 kilos per month.

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