Foods that make you fat on vacation: the hellish list

Foods that make you fat on vacation: the hellish list

When we go on vacation we do not want to hear about diets: it is right, but it would also be preferable to avoid foods that make you fat and that are not an indispensable gluttony.
What these dishes do is give us some kilos which we then meet in September.

After having made so many sacrifices to get in the best physical shape on vacation, it is precisely those fifteen days that invalidate our work if we do not pay a minimum of attention. Is it worth it?
I’m sure if you look at the list of foods that make you fat on vacation you will say no.
This, beware, does not mean not eating them at all. However, it means not underestimating them.


  1. The kebab.

    Kebab or gyros pita is a street food, often made with scraps and very fatty parts of meat, pressed and seasoned. To this we must add the bread, the sauces, the mix of seasoned vegetables, the chips. The result? The large sandwich reaches a thousand calories. 
    The alternative? A very normal carpaccio of meat or fish with rocket and parmesan flakes does not exceed 400 calories. For those who do not want to give up the kebab, better the dish, without chips, with yogurt sauce and salad. In this way, we arrive at around 650 calories per serving.

  2. The rice salad.

    White rice has a strange, very treacherous power, that is, it eats condiments, so that when it is acceptable it is always hyper-flavored. The traditional rice salad contains pickles, wurstel and diced ham, tuna in oil, eggs, oil at will (otherwise it doesn’t go down), cheese or slices, mayonnaise, eggs. The alternative? A salad of wheat or brown rice dressed with grilled or raw marinated vegetables, with pickles, natural tuna or diced tofu or feta, chopped herbs. Here’s how to make light rice pasta and salads.

  3. The parmigiana .

    You are at the seaside and when you come back has someone prepared the parmigiana for you? If fried it is really heavy, not to mention that there are those who charge it with mozzarella, eggs, cheese and mortadella. The alternative is to make it with grilled aubergines and courgettes, a low-fat cheese such as light mozzarella and cooked ham.

  4. Caprese salad.

    Caprese is your killer in disguise. Everyone thinks she is light. In fact, it causes water retention, and is a very caloric dish because of the mozzarella, which is at least 250 grams in one serving. Basically, 625 calories of mozzarella alone. Then we add the oil often at will. We arrive at seven hundred / eight hundred calories per dish.
    The alternative? The Greek salad: has feta, which despite having the same or almost the same calories as mozzarella is often “skimpy” at 100 grams, raw vegetables and raw onion counteract water retention, for a total of up to 500 calories certain more digestible and voluminous.

  5. Frisella with tomato and tuna.

    Whole barley frisa is an excellent food. Too bad that few know that you can eat one, already two are the equivalent of over one hundred grams of pasta. You’ve broken the boxes with protein diets, then eat frize like there’s no tomorrow, often on the beach. The wholemeal is good, but limited to one, seasoned with tomato and a little oil, and not reinforced by tuna in oil, cherry tomatoes in oil and olives. In that case, a light and Mediterranean dish turns into a complete meal of around 600 calories.

  6. The cocktail.

    In the summer, alcohol flows freely, ruining our line and metabolism. The solution? At least throw yourself on the “frozen” if it has fresh pureed fruit. Frozen strawberry, melon, pineapple daiquiri if made with fresh fruit. If they don’t use sugar syrup, the alcohol will be lightened by fresh fruit and ice. It doesn’t seem like a big sacrifice to me. Alternatively, a simple prosecco has 90 calories.

  7. Ice cream with brioche or granita with Sicilian brioche .

    Ice cream with brioche “col tuppo” or almond granita with brioche for breakfast is a complete meal comparable in calories to a margherita pizza. Excellent, but just remember that it provides us with 750 to 900 calories for breakfast. The Sicilian granita has in fact about 350 calories per serving. The brioche with tuppo has about 400.
    If, on the other hand, we have it filled with ice cream, usually about 200 grams are needed. If you do the math, it’s certainly not a snack.

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