Flexible Diet Italy: lose weight by eating the foods you love

Flexible Diet Italy: lose weight by eating the foods you love

The Flexible Diet Italy is a slimming program that is based on the principles of the flexible diet , a dietary approach for those who train. Basically, depending on the training and habits of the individual, a basal and total daily calorie requirement is counted, divided into macros. Each day the person has a certain number of carbohydrates, fats and proteins to take in order to lose weight.

Therefore, for those who choose to go on a flexible diet, there are two parameters to consider.
One is the maximum daily calories, the other the division into macronutrients.


Basically, you can eat all foods, as long as at the end of the day you are able to consume both the expected daily calories and to respect the quota of macronutrients. This approach is also referred to as Iifym , from the English “If it fits your macros”. All foods are allowed as long as these two rules are respected. Do not exceed the daily calories and respect the daily carbohydrate, fat and protein quota. Training is essential, however it can be customized.
Obviously, the foods to be consumed must all be weighed, and entered in a free calorie and macronutrient calculator like MyfitnessPal.


Flexible Diet Italy, born from the personal trainer Mario Giglio, is a program that uses a manual (cost about 50 euros) in which it is also explained to those who do not know anything about these concepts how to get to perfect physical shape without stress. In reality there is a stress, since you are not free to eat without weighing everything and entering it in the calculator. But on the other hand you can also eat foods that are generally not allowed in a diet: for example an ice cream, a croissant, a pizza, biscuits.
On training days and rest days, calories and macronutrients are the same.

Obviously, you cannot eat only the foods we love and exclude everything else, simply because having to consider the macronutrients too, you still end up having a varied diet.

The Flexible Diet Italy program has two sites for those who want to learn more: on www.dietaflessibile.com you will find a free guide with an introductory video and the manual purchase page. On the site www.dietaflessibile.net you will find free insights, in the form of articles.

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