Fibromyalgia and ozone
Fibromyalgia is a debilitating disorder and there are no remedial therapies. Oxygen-ozone therapy is providing encouraging results.

A severe and subtle disease because it is difficult to diagnose: it is  fibromyalgia . In Italy it is estimated that about 2 million people suffer from it,  mainly women .
This disease is not always recognized, although it is being talked about more and more. Some people affected by fibromyalgia often complain of not being understood by their doctors , of undergoing tests after tests without results, as if the complaints were the result of fantasy.
Some are even prescribed psychiatric visits. But what does fibromyalgia consist of ?
Fibromyalgia, this unknown?
Is Fibromyalgia Really Unknown? This is not quite the case, but many doctors do not yet contemplate it among the possible rheumatic pathologies affecting the musculoskeletal system .
It manifests itself with widespread wandering pains , constantly present, so much so that they can be defined as chronic, but the pain moves into different body districts.
This painful condition is associated with severe fatigue which prevents the normal daily conduct of a working life, because it requires long rest breaks. Muscle pain leads to very strong contractures that slow down movement and sometimes block the skeletal system. The
sleep is disturbed , the humoral balance strongly tested and subject to fluctuating conditions, with depressive manifestations. In some cases the intestine is also affected with manifestations of irritative syndrome.
The causes are almost completely unknown:Â the personal histories of patients with fibromyalgia are recorded to document and process statistics, but the onset of the disease always has different origins.
Sometimes the pathology appears after a trauma, in other cases as a result of infections, or surgery: in certain conditions without a triggering reason , painful forms wandering throughout the body begin to appear.
When the causes are difficult to identify, the treatments are also experimental and we proceed by trial and error, oscillating between analgesics, anti-inflammatories, painkillers and often antidepressants .
Oxygen therapy and ozone therapy for fibromyalgia
Among the possible alternative therapies to drugs and completely natural are oxygen  therapy and ozone therapy which are providing interesting results.
Ozone therapy for fibromyalgia was indicated and developed by prof. Umberto Tirelli , oncologist of the Cancer Institute of Aviano, who has started an accurate research, tested at the Mede Clinic in Sacile (PN), on 40 patients, with encouraging results that have seen an improvement in 80% of cases, testified by a reduction in pain and fatigue.
In the face of this study , a specification with guidelines was drawn up by the Scientific Society of Oxygen-Ozone Therapy(Sioot) and drawn up a list of doctors specialized in the application of this practice to whom you can turn.
How the therapy works
But what does oxygen-ozone therapy consist of? This medical practice involves a collection of venous blood , to which a specific dose of ozone is added .
This mixture is then injected again to enter the circulation and reach the connective tissue and the muscles to be oxygenated and anti-inflammatory.
How does oxygen-ozone therapy affect pain? Ozone is a form enriched with Oxygen, O3 which has anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving properties .
When it enters the circulation, it is able to stimulate the production of endorphins and antioxidant enzymes which help to lower the perception of pain on the one hand and to oxygenate the tissues to reduce inflammation on the other.
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