February 4: World Cancer Day
World Cancer Day is celebrated on 4 February: this is what the main associations promote and what is the fundamental message for prevention.

When Cancer Day is celebrated
World Cancer Day is celebrated on Sunday, February 4, 2018 . Promoted internationally, the reference page with all global initiatives can be found at www.worldcancerday.org .
“We can. I can.” the slogan that gives voice to the day, together with the global map of the impact and events of the day and the fundamental message of the organizers: do not smoke, eat healthily, be an active part of the health of your city, of the place where you work and of the school.Â
The goal of the day is precisely what associations such as Lilt  (Italian League of the Fight against Cancer), and Uicc  (International Union against Cancer), have always carried out, that is to raise awareness of their health , making known and bringing to light what is one of the most devastating diseases for the whole of humanity.Â
February 4th 2018: fighting cancer with awareness
To fight cancer and prevent cancers linked to unhealthy behaviors it is important to be aware of the danger of certain bad habits , not only on February 4th, but also the other 364 days of the year. Beyond the frightening but real data released by the main media, here are the solid and fundamental points to prevent and say yes to health , to always keep in mind and to remember to all the people around you:Â
>Â Say stop smoking;
>Â do not exceed the consumption of alcohol;
>Â do regular and constant daily physical activity;
>Â eat and feed in a healthy and conscious way;
>Â protect yourself from the sun’s rays;
>Â prevent and find out about the anti-cancer centers active in the respective cities.
And do you think cancer is just bad luck? If you are still really convinced, here’s what Professor Franco Berrino says about it in this video .
What is being done for World Cancer Day
On the dedicated page of Uicc  you can find informative and informative material, government reports and useful tools to spread awareness in every country in the world. What can each individual do? In addition to actively participating in meetings, conferences, events that revolve around February 4th, he can electronically relaunch the articles that talk about the Day to the Fight against Cancer, spread hashtags, campaigns, online posters, videos, and tweet non-stop!
LILT adheres to World Cancer Day with the slogan “Fighting Cancer with Prevention” :
prevention, the primary institutional task of LILT, remains the most effective tool to fight cancer. Prevention is synonymous with loving oneself: each city has its Lilt headquarters and visits and checks can be booked at it.Â
A strong and significant message is that of the journalist and writer Francesca Del Rosso who, as BolognaToday.it tells us , left the world with a smile and with the exhibition in homage to resilience ” Traveling with Wondy “.
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