Eliminate these foods if you suffer from this neuropathy …

Eliminate these foods if you suffer from this neuropathy …

A very interesting study established a connection between some foods and neuropathy pain in some subjects: it seems that people who had excluded these foods had a reduction in chronic pain equal to 89% of cases.

But what is neuropathy ? It is a disease that affects the central nervous system, which can be associated with some syndromes or autoimmune diseases (such as lupus, rheumatoid atritis, scleroderma, but also thyroiditis) or occur also in conjunction with particular states malnutrition or diseases such as diabetes. There are many causes or contributing causes of neuropathies, and some of these affect people in adulthood, but not necessarily starting from old age. Another cause is gluten in celiac subjects. It’s called: gluten neuropathy. 

The study focused on a group of elderly people with peripheral neuropathy who had  a sensitivity to gluten . Obviously, the researchers did not say that gluten causes or has caused peripheral neuropathy in these people. But probably not being celiac but sensitive to gluten, they consumed gluten-based products anyway, and the result was that the neuropathy got worse. When a person discovers that they are sensitive to gluten , they may in fact develop a “gluten neuropathy” even though they are not actually celiac.

This is after a Swedish study had already found a significant correlation between celiacs and neuropathies.
Now it turns out that even the so-called non-celiac sensitivity to gluten (gluten sensitivity) could still trigger gluten neuropathy . The people in the study who consumed products with gluten despite being sensitive to this protein complex had developed chronic and disabling pain over the years. Conversely, those who realized they were sensitive to gluten and eliminated gluten from their diet had 89% reduced and less painful ailment.
Therefore, tests are recommended to detect gluten sensitivity, and an elimination diet to improve symptoms. 

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