Eating chocolate for weight loss: the new study

Eating chocolate for weight loss: the new study

A study that will make chocolate lovers happy: it is in fact possible to exploit our gluttony in a strategy to lose weight, according to the researchers.
In fact, according to researchers at Liverpool John Moores University , if you are a greedy person you have a better chance of losing weight by eating dark chocolate as a pre-dinner snack , compared to munching on other sweets or other types of chocolate. In fact, it seems that women who ate extra- dark chocolate before dinner (compared to other types of chocolate or snacks) reduced their dinner calories by twenty percent or more, because they were less hungry.Extra dark chocolate (75/80% more bitter) is a real hunger-break snack , and reduces the craving for sweets after dinner.

In short, eating chocolate is neither a gluttony nor a cheat, and if the chocolate is bitter, it can very well be part of a low-calorie diet.
If you are on a diet, consider that 20 grams of extra dark chocolate is the equivalent of about 120 calories:  but it is a very satisfying snack.
And if you love to eat chocolate even during the day, try these two diets:

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