Dr. Lipman’s Healthy Diet

Dr. Lipman’s Healthy Diet

Dr. Frank Lipman , creator of the Be Well method , a program that teaches the principles of a healthy diet and a healthy life with the reduction of stress and the exponential increase in well-being , has no doubts: to get the right weight and iron health is not enough or it is not necessary to count calories and make restrictive diets, but to learn to eat and live better. With 35 years of field experience as a physician and physicist, Lipman has combined his medical studies and hospital practice with a passion for holistic medicine, naturopathy, acupuncture, nutrition and functional medicine. He then collected all of his research and his experience of him in a book, “ How to be well“Or” How to feel good “, which essentially explains that a fit body is a healthy body, in which any imbalance is overcome thanks to a better diet and life.
Dr. Lipman’s Healthy Diet is as natural a diet as possible . Here is what foods it is based on, and what supplementation is, according to him, necessary for optimal health.

Fruit and vegetables, food yes:
 seasonal fruit and vegetables, not preserved or processed in any way
Meat, fish and eggs : nothing that comes from intensive farming. Meat and eggs from local farms, meat from semi-wild, pasture, organic farms, organic free-range eggs, locally caught and never preserved, with a preference for small fish or low-mercury content (limit tuna and swordfish to occasional consumption). No canned food. Dairy products, vegetable milk and cheese:

dairy products and goat or sheep cheeses, as much as possible from non-intensive farming, are ok; vegetable milk of almond, coconut and hemp; raw milk and raw milk cheeses. Very little yogurt and butter. Nothing packaged or pasteurized ever.
Legumes : All are ok apart from soy and unfermented soy products. So yes only to tempeh and natto.
Cereals: prefer false cereals, naturally gluten-free (quinoa, amaranth, teff, buckwheat), suitably soaked before consumption, brown rice, oats decontaminated from gluten. Nuts and seeds : never salted or roasted except at home. Avoid peanuts. Sugars and sweeteners:
yes to birch xylitol, molasses, stevia, coconut palm sugar. Honey is to be consumed in very small quantities.
Drinks : only tea and water or natural herbal teas, no coffee, decaffeinated coffee, fruit juices, alcohol
Chocolate: in moderation, only extra dark, or cocoa beans or bitter cocoa
Oils: coconut, olive, sesame, walnuts and flax seed.
To this list are added the recommendations to identify the foods that cause us swelling, sleepiness, and limit them to consumption once or twice a week. And to vary a lot the vegetables, by color.

In agreement with your doctor, and choosing 100% natural supplements, Dr. Lipman recommends supplementing your diet with a complete supplement of B vitamins, fish oil in capsules or liquid, vitamin D, and probiotics from fermented foods (miso, natto, kombuchka, kefir, fermented vegetables).

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