Does weight lifting make you lose weight?
Many sportsmen recommend to women who want to lose weight not to ruin the health behind cardio activities, recently under accusation because according to some they would slow down the metabolism (for those who want to learn more, I refer you to this article ), especially because they are often associated with diet, secondly, because those who do cardio activities tend to overtrain cardio, i.e. they do hours of cardio at each session: cardio stress, which is also associated with dieting, can generally cause resistance to weight loss. weight stall and even a phenomenon that some refer to as training hypothyroidism.
In short, the metabolism slows down. Here the question arises: but the athletes who do hours of cardio? Professional runners, cyclists?Who has ever seen an obese professional cyclist? To this question, some answer that the runner or cyclist does not go on a diet and being athletes, they have an active life with a high energy flow: they eat a lot and burn a lot. The girl who works hard for hours on the treadmill or who runs every morning, often cuts calories or eliminates food from her diet, and in addition alternates a totally sedentary life with those two hours of intense running. Behavior that for the body turns into stress, stress, stress.Â
According to many, in fact, weight lifting brings many benefits for those who want to lose weight: you train less in terms of time, but you burn more due to intense muscular effort. And you lose weight if you combine this effort with a balanced and nutritious diet. This blogger literally changed her physique, losing a lot of weight, with a weightlifting workout, and a diet of about 4000 calories which she achieved by gradually increasing and moving from the low-calorie diet in which she could not lose weight, to that current, and from running training where he couldn’t lose his bearings, to weightlifting where his body literally transformed.
But yet,not all that glitters is gold: there are women who do cardio and lose many kilos; women who lift weights and do not lose a pound. The fabulous fat-burning effects of weight lifting may not apply to everyone – one study found that even the most metabolic-boosting activities may not be enough for those people, including women, who are genetically prone to gain weight. They experience resistance to weight loss regardless of physical activity. Before we despair, if cardio training, jogging every day, doesn’t make us lose weight, let’s talk to an instructor and try a more intensive workout without being afraid to put on muscle. In fact, the study does not say that no results are achieved, but that it could just be more difficult!
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