Does CBD oil make you lose weight?

Does CBD oil make you lose weight?

The so-called CBD oil is experiencing its magic moment , a derivative that is obtained from the extraction of the hemp plant, and… yes, you got it right. In a way it is a cannabis extract, but beware. CBD oil does not have the psychotropic effect that is obtained from cannabis as a soft drug, and which instead derives from an active ingredient known as THC. CBD is another active ingredient of the hemp plant, therefore a derivative that does not affect the metabolism and the nervous system like the drug.
Let’s start with CBD oil: does it really lose weight?


You have certainly heard of the fact that those who use cannabis tend to have a stimulus of hunger as a “side effect”. This is because, like all substances with a psychotropic effect and therefore in this case hallucinogenic, THC also has an effect on the metabolism The psychotropic substance, if inhaled or ingested, reaches the liver where it splits into different molecules which then reach the blood.

If inhaled, the psychotropic effect is greater. This leads to greater pumping of the heart and consequently to greater energy expenditure. In fact, there is a kind of paradox about regular cannabis users. It has been seen that those who smoke it frequently take 600 calories more from their diet, precisely because they feel more hungry. This increased hunger effect would be THC.


But at the same time, cannabis users also have lower blood sugar, lower weight, less body fat.
What is the reason for this?
According to scientific research of recent years, right to CBD. Which in fact would act contrary to THC; suppressing the appetite.
As the body easily develops tolerance to THC, cannabis users begin to lose that feeling of “chemical” hunger, while the effects of CBD last longer. Therefore, regular and non-occasional users end up getting addicted to THC and feel less hunger thanks to CBD.

What happens if I ONLY consume the active ingredient of CBD? Automatically I would have a product that makes me feel less hungry. And this is the reason that explains the success of CBD oil as a weight loss substance. On the contrary, the use of THC could be useful in subjects who eat little , tend to feel nauseous and are undernourished.

So is it true, does CBD oil make you lose weight?

And even without side effects?

Unfortunately, even in this case it is not all gold, or oil, that glitters.

If we look at the studies on the slimming effects of CBD oil, we essentially find studies on mice, which are also obese. The researchers found that CBD oil performs two actions in obese mice. On the one hand it suppresses hunger, on the other hand it promotes the conversion of white fat, what we call flab, with brown fat, a type of fat that in adults is found in trace amounts only in very thin people, capable of converting calories in energy.
Mice though. That this can happen to humans is possible, but certainly not.

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