Do you get fat during the holidays or during the year?

Do you get fat during the holidays or during the year?

You will have read it because many people share this thing on social networks, there are memes that bounce from facebook to instagram with the written: do not get fat at Christmas but from New Year to Christmas (ie during the year).
Well, I’m sorry to tell you that that’s not the case for most people.


Do you get fat during the holidays or throughout the year? Let’s say you get fat mostly during the holidays.
There is a reason I post short-term diets. 2-day, 3-day or one-week diets.
The reason is that these diets work to compensate for the wrongdoing. And that these diets are very useful for maintaining a good weight all year round, without then thinking of wanting to remedy only when the costume fitting arrives.

Do not misunderstand me.
During the year, healthy and moderate eating and physical activity, the so-called good habits, can mean that we do not have to worry about holidays. This is if we are good for the remaining 350 days of the year.

However, if we consider the holidays as a whole, we have Christmas, New Year, Epiphany, Carnival and Easter which cover the months from winter to early spring, for a total of about 15 days of overeating.
Only between Christmas, New Year and Epiphany do people accumulate an average of 3 kg each.
Maybe they don’t do anything to lose this weight. Carnival and then Easter arrive. 2 kilos are added.
The result is that people gain 5 kg on average with winter.

At that point, they go on a diet.
If the diet works, the overweight resolves. If it does not work or the pounds regain the situation remains the same or gets worse.
Multiply this scenario by a number of years and you have the pounds that increase.
Do you think this is an exaggeration? So let’s see it from a scientific point of view.

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