Digestive problems? You can discover them with AIRE

Digestive problems? You can discover them with AIRE

It’s called Aire , and it’s a small contraption that can only be bought abroad for now, at a price of about 130 dollars (the equivalent of about 112 euros), absolutely innovative . In fact, it works as a breath test , it can be connected to the mobile phone and allows you to find out which foods cause us digestive problems simply by blowing into the device after eating.

In fact, Aire looks like a box the size of a matchbox, with a smooth spout on one side and a USB socket on the other. The socket connects to the mobile phone.

The Aire app is loaded onto the mobile phone with a list of foods. Then she blows herself into the spout, and depending on the breath analysis, Aire explains which foods cause us digestive and intestinal problems and which foods are “our friends”. In this way it is easier to customize the diet by choosing the right foods according to our bacterial flora.

So it helps us to choose foods that are compatible or not compatible with our digestion. But be careful.
Aire is not a diagnostic tool. Simply from the analysis of the breath it identifies the foods that cause us problems, but not their origin. To understand this, I’ll give you an example.

Eat a sandwich and then use Aire.

Aire based on your breath tells you that you are having trouble digesting that sandwich. It could be the gluten in the bread, it could be an allergy to wheat, to yeast: this Aire doesn’t say.
Simply, it detects the emission of hydrogen and methane through the breath, and tells us that the sandwich has caused us problems of excessive intestinal fermentation if these gases have exceeded a certain threshold.

Therefore it is an ideal device for those who have problems with excessive fermentation, irritable colon, swollen belly. Through the detection of hydrogen and methane, Aire indicates which foods have caused excessive and abnormal fermentation , it does not say if we are allergic, intolerant or otherwise.
He just says: this causes you too much gas, this one doesn’t and you can eat it peacefully.

In short, it is a useful device for those who want to reduce the problem of a swollen stomach and digestive problems in general .
It is then up to the person to contact the doctor to investigate and then try to understand if there are particular health conditions at the base of the problems of excessive fermentation.

But that’s not all: Aire identifies other causes, in addition to nutrition, that can give us swelling problems, such as stress. It helps us personalize our diet by providing us with all food alternatives compatible with our digestive system. It gives advice (in English) on how to avoid some problems encountered.
At the moment Aire can only be ordered from the company that makes it, here. 

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