Diet to lose weight: 3 reasons why we get fat and how to avoid them

Diet to lose weight: 3 reasons why we get fat and how to avoid them

Diet to lose weight in 3 steps, here are the ones Imagine having a very special engine in front of you.

Imagine that this engine needs energy to run.

Now, the energy that is supplied to the engine is partly consumed, partly not. In your opinion, what happens to the excess energy?

It all depends on the type of engine….


Masal metabolism (BMR)

Sedentary – little or no exercise

Just Activate – exercises / sports 1-3 times / week

Moderately Active – exercises / sports 3-5 times / week

Very Active – demanding exercises / sports 6-7 times / week

Super Active – very demanding exercises / sports or physical work

Now imagine that special engine is your body, and the energy provided is the food you eat.

What happens to the excess food that the body cannot use?

In this case the answer is simple: it turns into fat !

The following are the reasons why a weight loss diet may or may not be effective.

1) Diets for weight loss: the role of what we eat

Starting from the metaphor just used, the amount of energy we put into our body must be balanced by the energy we consume, otherwise we run the risk of going into energy debt (if we consume more than we assume) or gain weight (if you consume less than what you assume).

Therefore, for each of us, no matter what our genetic background, by decreasing the food we eat or increasing the energy consumed ( through physical activity ), we will be able to lower the level of fat that we “store” in our body. .

Eating less and increasing physical activity causes fat loss.

However, our eating habits seem designed to make us eat as many calories as possible.

The foods with a higher calorie content seem to be the most attractive and appetizing, perhaps due to the fact that man, throughout his history, has found himself above all in situations of survival.

But now, fortunately, this is no longer the case …

2) Diet for weight loss: the role of the activity we do

Physical activity is relevant.

A lack of it can be the cause of obesity and, considering that our habits are increasingly sedentary , things are not destined to improve.

However, there are strategies that each of us can adopt to reverse the situation.

There are more and more people, even in old age, who decide to make a move, in the literal sense.

An increase in physical activity, in proportion to their physical condition and age, represents a change of direction for those who not only want to lose weight , but also feel better and fitter.

3) Diet for weight loss: bad habits

Another factor that affects excess weight is that of the bad eating habits we assimilate as we grow up.

Worst of these habits include eating at night , snacking on sugar-filled snacks, skipping breakfast , eating because of a particular emotional state, eating too often, not getting enough sleep, and more.

Fortunately, we now know the exact steps to take to resolve each of these 3 factors that do not allow us to control our weight, and in the course of these ebooks, you will be explained exactly what you need to do to reverse the situation.

What is the correct way to lose weight?

Diet for weight loss: what is the correct way to lose weight

Today we live in a society that offers us fast and immediate solutions to lose weight . Because this is what we want to hear….

When we want something, we want it now.

We are constantly bombarded with misleading advertisements that tell us that we can lose pounds in a few days and become leaner after 7 days. And the worst part is that this way of thinking has become commonly accepted.

So, losing weight in a short time is possible and healthy too, isn’t it?

No it is not true!

It is not true because when you lose weight quickly it often affects the lean mass (muscles) rather than the fat mass and above all because it triggers a series of difficult eating habits if not impossible to maintain in the long term.

Fast weight loss, fast failure

With fast weight loss, our metabolism slows down and even if we consume fewer and fewer calories , we cannot lose weight . This can lead to states of anxiety that pushes us to take even fewer calories to try to lose weight with the consequent further slowdown of the metabolism.

In this way, a very dangerous vicious circle is launched. In fact, by doing so, the most serious risk of trying to lose weight quickly is that the nutrients we need for normal physiological activities are not being taken in enough.

In this situation we find ourselves in the middle of a conflict where on the one hand there are our brains and our bodies pushing us to eat, on the other hand there is our desire to lose weight. The result of this conflict is obvious, sooner or later you will feel overwhelmed and begin to eat as or worse than before.

It’s called the Yo-Yo effect .

You will lose weight (especially lean mass) for a while and then you will return to regain all the weight lost.

Fast weight loss is wrong!

Losing weight slowly and steadily (no more than one kg per week) not only means doing your body a favor, it also means that you will be able to maintain your desired weight forever.

This is why losing weight slowly works

Losing weight slowly means changing your lifestyle.

Giving up bad eating habits in favor of new, healthier habits means that at some point you will continue to lose weight (or maintain it) without even realizing it.

Losing weight slowly is not only healthier but represents an investment in yourself.   Not only will you lose weight but you will work on building habits that are easy to maintain over time. And let’s talk about habits that will allow you to maintain the desired weight.

Plus you will feel better, you will have more energy because you will not feel hunger pangs and you will not always be focused on food and what to eat.

Doing so will create a healthy relationship with food which is the key to lasting success.

Maintain a positive attitude

Those who have gone down this path have realized that in the end it is no longer a diet to lose weight but a lifestyle change.

Many people think that having a consistent diet and physical activity is enough to lose weight with little effort.

But this alone is not enough.

Squaring the circle is achieved only with a positive attitude.

In fact, it plays a fundamental role in determining the actions and decisions we take day after day.

If you want to lose weight quickly , then know that you will be able to achieve results in the short term.

If you want to get your ideal weight forever you have to work in three directions: nutrition, physical activity and habits which are precisely the points explained in the minimum terms by the Vailo Method.

Eating well, exercising and adopting healthy habits are the only way to achieve lasting results.

If you want to lose weight, you need to eat

Who is it that has put it in your head that to lose weight you need not to eat?

Did you know that when our body begins to enter the so-called “saving phase”, the metabolism slows down?

This mode is a natural response of our body which, when we are no longer fed properly, goes into economy mode.

State in which our fat reserves are preserved thus making weight loss difficult.

In this chapter we try to clarify this aspect once and for all. In fact, when you decide to eat little, you make a very serious mistake linked to the lack of knowledge of how our body works.

No to hunger mode

Imagine you are in the high mountains, with a frostbite principle and a single chocolate bar.

This is the hunger mode, the one in which our body manages for a certain amount of time to make the bar suffice while keeping all the muscles and main organs active.

This is what happens in our daily life if we don’t give our body enough calories and food.

The body goes into emergency mode and maintains its food resources as if in hibernation, completely lowering vital standards and metabolism and starting to eat ……… itself.

A natural process takes place called cannibalization of the muscles which indicates a deviation of the metabolism which, finding no fat or sugar to burn, begins to burn the muscle glycogen which is an integral part of the muscle itself.

Basically it is consumed.

This will not allow us to lose weight at all but on the contrary, when we start to eat something more, we will immediately regain weight.

What do you need then?

Healthy food, right habits and a positive attitude

It has never been said that you shouldn’t eat to lose weight but you need a good diet plan, with healthy and varied foods, on which to rely and on which to create the right eating habits.

You don’t need to be a wizard to understand that between a slice of pizza with four cheeses and a roasted chicken breast with a mixed salad, the second is better.

But the game will be to be able to eat pizza once without changing one’s balance of habits and positivity.

Always think about what your goals are, right and feasible goals.

Think about doing moderate sports activity, even taking the stairs and not the elevator is a good habit.

Always choose food that you think will be good for you, that is nutritious, that is fresh and healthy, and that is grown within minutes of your home.

But don’t get down on yourself the moment you give up.

The positive, fundamental attitude is not only towards life in general but also in knowing how to accept moments of weakness well and then start again with enthusiasm.


It is not true that not eating is good, it is much better to divide the day into 5 balanced meals.

Not eating means going into hunger mode which is the worst situation for those who want to lose weight.

Always choose what to eat with a smile and treat yourself to positive habits such as daily walking and a fruit in the afternoon instead of a packet of greasy and greasy chips or a packaged snack.

The hormone of the diet: leptin

In the path of weight loss you may find yourself dealing with hormones. In this chapter we talk about one hormone in particular: leptin.

But where is leptin found?

In many specific foods that make up the food program and the diet created for you in the Vailo Method.

But let’s go in order.

What is leptin?

Leptin is a hormone, a cytokine to be precise, which is secreted by fat cells.

And this is already a great discovery if you think that many have always imagined that the fat was there, helpless, only to bother us.

Leptin is critical for what it also does with the body’s energy reserves and metabolism.

In fact, with ghrelin being another key hormone, it plays an important role in regulating appetite and satiety.

The two hormones are complementary because they are completely different.

Leptin regulates body weight, ghrelin controls the stimulus of hunger.

An increase in ghrelin and a decrease in leptin lead to insane imbalances.

The two hormones, in order not to create unpleasant situations, such as sudden weight gain, must be in balance.

Leptin regulates the primary functions in our body.

If there is a decrease in leptin, our body will go into energy deficiency and therefore it will slow down the metabolism so as not to burn the remaining energy reserves, it will want to eat more to regain energy with consequent weight gain.

In the opposite case, with an increase in leptin, there will instead be an acceleration of the metabolism and therefore an obvious weight loss due to the fact that the whole organism plays on the speed and satiety factor for a longer time.

Foods in which leptin is present

Here we are talking about a hormone that regulates appetite, not necessarily a diet based on calories, certainly we cannot afford to always and in any case eat exaggerated portions of food but we can regulate ourselves by getting used to eating foods that are already in themselves. slimming because stimulated by leptin.

So let’s go calm with the portions, especially outside the home, and eat whatever stimulates this precious hormone.

First of all, let’s talk about increasing the doses of complex carbohydrates such as:

  • whole wheat bread and pasta
  • quinoa
  • brown rice
  • oatmeal
  • lentils
  • beans
  • green leafy vegetables such as broccoli, kale, and spinach.

These foods are not essential for weight loss but are perfect for increasing the sense of satiety and for slowing digestion to the point of not feeling hungry.

We also need to increase the level of omega-3, found mainly in fish, because it increases the production of leptin.

Let’s see what these foods are:

  • salmon
  • red and black caviar
  • mackerel
  • herring
  • whitefish
  • anchovies
  • sardines

Also excellent fruits with a strong fiber base such as

  • raspberries
  • pears (peel)
  • apples (peel)
  • banana


In this chapter we have not specifically talked about diet but to deepen on a fundamental hormone to feel good with our body. If leptin is stimulated our metabolism speeds up and we lose weight. Let’s try to always be informed about what we eat then!

Metabolism: how to burn calories the right way

Do you want to speed up your metabolism?

You are already in the right place, the Vailo Method consists of a food program that was born as a response to the request to speed up our metabolic system.

But let’s see together some other tips or tricks to burn calories correctly.

How to speed up the metabolism

  • Exercise . If you have unfortunately inherited a slow metabolism from your mother, doing the gym every day, even a moderate one, causes your metabolism to speed up. And this constant activity, this healthy habit will ensure that she can treat you to a nice dessert on a Sunday without damaging you.
  • Increase the intensity during the exercises . Sudden accelerations, even of 30 seconds, during a physical routine, give a small positive shock to the metabolism that begins to breathe more as it accelerates. Next time try the pool or gym or running and you won’t regret it.
  • Eat omega-3s . Omega-3s, the good fats, are found in nuts, olive oil and especially fish. Increase the consumption of omega-3s in your diet because they not only speed up metabolism but regulate leptin, which is the hormone that regulates our sense of hunger. Omega-3s also help fight resistance to leptin, the leading cause of obesity.
  • Try to build your muscles! It’s not just a saying for being tough in life but it’s also something that really helps burn calories. Weight lifting sometimes helps burn fat properly, so yes, build your muscles!
  • Drink green tea. The catechin, contained in tea, is proven not to be diuretic but also able to speed up the metabolism, so start getting into the habit of drinking green tea as an herbal tea every day.
  • Don’t cut too many calories. We have already talked about it, it is useless to eat very little. The body goes into hunger reserve mode and slows down the metabolism a lot to conserve energy. In extreme cases, muscle cannibalization occurs and the body begins to eat itself.
  • Enjoy the after-effort moment. After a very intense workout, the body, even when at rest, continues to burn more calories as a result of the previous effort. So take advantage of it!
  • Eat cereal for breakfast. A nice hearty breakfast ensures that the body wakes up with energy and with a nice active metabolism! Whole grains, rich in fiber, are perfect.
  • Fruit as a snack. Don’t eat industrial junk, eat a nice apple or other fruit as a mid-morning or afternoon snack. This helps to burn better because it increases the metabolic system but in a healthy way.
  • Stop to industrial foods. Stop to donuts, potato chips in bags, snacks. Think it hurts. Stop.
  • Look for organic products. Try to buy zero-kilometer products that are pesticide-free. Our body has been polluted for too long already, now we are looking for only the best.
  • Eat protein. Try to eat at least one lean protein a day, it doesn’t make you fat, it satisfies a lot more than another type of food and speeds up your system.

What does it take to make you love more than a diet and easy and fun tricks?

A great ally for the diet: water

Several studies have confirmed that drinking water can aid in weight loss.

Why all this interest?

Because water is able to purify, hydrate and satiate us at the same time.

Some research done on overweight women found greater weight loss in those who drank at least one liter of water per day.

But let’s see point by point.

The benefits of water

Drinking cold water (don’t overdo it!) Helps you lose weight more, because cold water causes the body to use extra calories to heat the water up to body temperature.

Obviously drinking water and continuing to eat fast food junk doesn’t lead to impressive results, the impressive results are obtained when you eliminate fizzy drinks, sugary drinks and fruit juices and do some physical activity. with diet.

We start drinking only water every day and we also think about doing some physical exercise and eating well (we always start from the assumption that we must build healthy habits to feel better about ourselves).

Studies have shown that drinking water before meals decreases appetite.

This is especially true in middle-aged and older people and is a great ally.

When you are hungry, even in the afternoon, it may well be that it is just a moment of dehydration.

Let’s try drinking a nice glass of water, then if we continue to feel hungry we eat some fruit and we’ll be okay for a while.

The fibers of the fruit with the water ingested first will create a nice satisfying moment that will take away our appetite.

It is especially important to encourage children to drink water, as it can help prevent them from becoming overweight or obese.

But even in this case you have to deal with what is good for you, so good habits, physical exercise, good food but in moderation.

It is clear that the ideal water requirement should be approximately 8 glasses of water per day.

Drinking too much water could be really bad, so don’t overdo it.

However, as in all things, there are people who may need more water and people who need less, so always think about what’s right for you, not the general rule.


Water can be very beneficial for weight loss.

It is 100% calorie free, helps burn more calories especially when fresh, and can also suppress your appetite quite a bit when consumed before meals.

The benefits are even greater when replacing sugary drinks with water.

However, keep in mind, as mentioned before, that it cannot change your life, and your waistline, by itself.

Water is just one, a small piece of the puzzle.

6 essential nutrients: their functions

An essential nutrient is a nutrient that the body cannot synthesize on its own and therefore must be provided in ideal quantities by the diet itself.

These nutrients are necessary for the body and serve to make it function properly.

The six essential nutrients include carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins, minerals and water.

Let’s look specifically at each of the six.


Carbohydrates are the main source of energy for the brain.

Without carbohydrates, the body could not function properly.

Carbohydrates are obviously found in cereals but also in fruit, starchy vegetables and sugars.

Make sure to always eat whole grains to feel better and to try to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease and diabetes.


Protein is the main structural component of cells and serves both for the construction and repair of tissues in the body.

The protein is broken down into amino acids which are the functional elements.

9 of the 20 amino acids discovered so far, known as essential amino acids, must be supplied by what we eat because they are not synthesized by the body.

10 to 35 percent of your daily calorie count should come from low-fat proteins, such as meat, dairy, beans, and eggs.


Fat is a source of energy which, when consumed in a healthy way, increases the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins, including vitamins A, D, E and K.

Our daily calorie intake should come from fat between 20 and 35%.

Just choose healthy fats like omega-3s which are rich in foods like fish, nuts and plant-based oils.

Omega-3s help with development and growth.

I recommend limiting your intake of saturated fats such as high-fat meats and natural-fat dairy products.

Other smart choices include nuts, seeds, and avocados.


Vitamin C is needed for the synthesis of collagen, which provides the structure of blood vessels, bones and ligaments.

Rich sources   of vitamins are citrus fruits, strawberries and peppers.

Folate, found in these foods, helps prevent birth defects.

Pregnant women or women who plan to become pregnant should take folic acid supplements.

Vitamin D, on the other hand, is essential for bones.


Sodium helps keep the fluid volume at a good level outside the cells and helps the cells function normally.

Remember to keep your sodium level below 2,400 milligrams per day to avoid kidney and blood pressure problems.

Potassium, on the other hand, maintains the volume of fluid inside and outside the cells and prevents the excessive rise in blood pressure that could come from increased sodium intake.

Rich sources of minerals include bananas, potatoes and tomatoes.

Calcium helps maintain and develop strong bones and teeth.


Water helps maintain homeostasis in the body and carries nutrients to the cells.

Water also helps cleanse the body of all waste.

You should drink 2 to 3 liters of water a day.


That’s why you need to know how to eat and drink well. Because in this way we can repair our body even thanks to what we feed on.

Breakfast, that’s why it’s the most important meal of the day

But do you ever think about breakfast?

I mean, do you sit down to eat something good or run straight to the office with half a snack in your mouth and coffee to drink standing up?

During a busy morning, it is easy for you to decide to have a hasty breakfast or not to have it at all!

But eating well for breakfast can really make a difference in your day!

If you don’t have time to eat before you leave the house, I’ll give you some ideas for a breakfast that can be eaten on the street or as soon as you arrive at work.

Advantages of breakfast

Breakfast offers many benefits for our health and well-being.

It offers fuel for our body and brain after an overnight fast.

Without breakfast it is as if we wanted to start our car without having to gasoline!

Breakfast should be made within two hours of waking up and should be abundant, it should contain calories for about one third of the daily requirement.

Breakfast foods should also be sources of important nutrients such as calcium, iron, vitamins and proteins and fiber.

The body needs these essential nutrients; so think of breakfast as a mix:

  • Whole grains
  • semi-skimmed cow or vegetable milk
  • yogurt (also to eat on the street or in the office
  • a fruit (also to eat on the street or in the office)
  • an egg (if you want to make a salty breakfast)

Breakfast can help a lot in the diet because eating right in the morning can help you not eat a lot during the day and not have dangerously fatty snacks due to a feeling of sudden hunger.

Breakfast helps cognitive function

Breakfast also restores glucose levels, an essential carbohydrate that is needed for the brain to function.

Breakfast can improve memory and concentration levels and can improve mood and lower stress levels.

In some studies done among children, breakfast can also improve their school intake, keeping them active and less distracted.

Breakfast helps with energy needs

People’s energy needs change according to age and gender.

But above all it changes according to the level of activity and the phase of life in which they are.

Children should have a breakfast of around 500 calories, men even a little more while women should settle on 350 calories.


Breakfast is a great way to eat together as a family whenever possible.

Establishing good breakfast habits during childhood and adolescence will lead to a healthier life with less risk of diabetes and heart disease.

Always think of inculcating in your head and in the head of your children of the rituals of good, which teach them good habits and to eat well knowing the food and the value of the food that we choose to eat every day.

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