Diet for arthritis: the advice of prof. Giorgio Calabrese

Diet for arthritis: the advice of prof. Giorgio Calabrese

Arthritis diet : are there any dietary recommendations that can reduce arthritis symptoms? The answer is complicated, given that the origins of this inflammatory disease are not yet certain: what is known is that nutrition today can worsen or improve symptoms, and that recent studies have highlighted how a healthy Mediterranean diet can be diet. for arthritis ideal for those who unfortunately suffer from it. Recently, the famous dietician prof. Giorgio Calabrese talked about it in an article , highlighting which food aspects seem to worsen the symptoms of arthritis and which aspects can improve it. He also talked about integration, so I summarize it all in this short article.

Yes to the Mediterranean diet, but watch out for excesses: those suffering from arthritis must keep an eye on portions, and maintain a good body weight. It is necessary to avoid a diet that is too rich in sugar , maintaining an adequate and not excessive intake of fibers.
How to improve your diet: instead of white rice, better then the wholemeal one, and pasta should always be eaten al dente, associated with raw or cooked vegetables and a drizzle of raw olive oil ( try for example the Senatore wheat pasta Cappelli or Russello, editor’s note) . Olive oil and oily fish or blue fishare a panacea for those suffering from arthritis: on the one hand the monounsaturated fats, on the other the omega3. Instead , the saturated fats of the meat and the polyunsaturated omega6 type should be reduced. No frying with vegetable oils (other than olive oil, therefore), no industrial products rich in oils with too many omega6s such as soybean, sunflower, peanut oil. Dried fruit should be eaten in moderation, and the salty one on the surface should be avoided, preferring the fresh one, as local as possible. Did you know for example that Sicilian almonds have less fat and more antioxidants than American ones? So pay attention to derivation and labels. Foods that are too high in sodium should also be reduced:

Arthritis sufferers should avoid salty baked goods, cured meats, aged cheeses.
Arthritis Diet: Friendly Foods. In addition to olive oil, blue fish, brown rice, yes to a glass of red wine a day, a piece of extra dark chocolate or a spoonful of unsweetened cocoa (perhaps with yogurt), green tea, chilli, Greek yogurt and milk kefir for their supply of probiotics, which reduce the inflammatory state caused by cytokines. Fruits (especially citrus and red fruits) and fresh and seasonal vegetables complete the diet.
Dr. Calabrese’s advice is perfectly in line with the anti-inflammatory diet promoted by the Arthritis Foundation. 
The possible integration:for those suffering from rheumatoid arthritis, red ginseng could be a valid help, with its immune-stimulating and tonic action. It is not suitable in those who take anti-coagulant drugs and in those suffering from low blood pressure and obviously its use must first be discussed with your doctor.

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