Diet Avenue or diet Expert: does it work?

Diet Avenue or diet Expert: does it work?


Diet Avenue, later known as the Diet Expert method, is a diet that combines the use of supplements with a protein diet, in the form of various types of meal replacements.

Born from a French company, it uses a franchising system in the rest of the other countries, including Italy.


Diet Expert offers the customer 3 slimming packages.
The Booster program, the Gourmet program and the High Protein program.
Depending on the program package you choose, you can lose between 3 kg and 2 kg per week.

At the moment, however, the corporate conduct is unclear: the method has gone from being called Diet Avenue to being called Diet Expert and now the Cheef Method , and customers complain of having been abandoned by consultants starting from 2019, as stated on the free forum of the Diet Expert herself .
The new company website, Cheef, is not active in Italy, but in essence it is always the same formula.
The products are the same.

So there is a risk that the business has ceased at least for the Italian market, changing its name to France.


Basically, those who choose the program also have the advice of a nutritionist and a support person. As mentioned, it is perhaps still possible to buy one of the weight loss packages, but reading the reviews on Trustpilot it seems that the advice part is missing.

Still reading the reviews, it seems that the method works for many. This is because the range of products offered is vast (there is also pizza), even if it is a considerable expense because it is low in carbohydrates and calories.

For two and a half months of diet (10 weeks) the package price is around 270 euros minimum.

Depending on the chosen slimming program, three products from the Diet Expert line are consumed every day for which even a payment in installments has been developed. For heaven’s sake, the products are tempting: brioscine and biscuits, for example, sandwiches and pasta. But it often comes in sachets and lyophilisates.

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