Diabetes: symptoms, causes, all remedies

Diabetes: symptoms, causes, all remedies

Diabetes is a metabolic disorder that occurs when blood glucose exceeds normal levels (hyperglycemia) causing insulin deficiency . Let’s find out better.

>   Forms of diabetes and symptoms

>   Causes

>   Diagnosis

>   Treatment for diabetes



Forms of diabetes and symptoms

When blood glucose exceeds normal levels ( hyperglycemia ) causing insulin deficiency, a metabolic alteration known as diabetes occurs . The term “glycaemia” refers to the glucose circulating in the blood; normal values ​​range between 70 and 110 mg / dl. An increase in these basal values ​​of more than 120 mg / dl, in three subsequent checks, is an indication of a diabetic disease.

There are two different forms of the disorder: insulin-dependent or type I diabetes and non-insulin-dependent or type II diabetes. In the first case, we are faced with a disorder that affects young people who, suddenly affected by the disorder, manifest the emission of abundant quantities of urine, exaggerated thirst, weight loss, fatigue .

The first manifestation of diabetes of this type is called keto acidosis, a clinical situation that occurs when, in the absence of insulin, the body begins to use fatty acids massively for energy and ends up generating toxic products, the so-called ketone bodies.

Type II diabetes, on the other hand, manifests itself generically after 40 years of age, especially in subjects with overweight problems . Non-insulin-dependent diabetes evolves slowly and is associated with resistance on the part of the peripheral tissues to the action of the hormone.


The causes of diabetes can be many and vary depending on the type. In type one diabetes, there is a genetic component that should not be overlooked: in these cases, in fact, there is an innate predisposition to develop the disease. Type one diabetes, however, is always triggered by an external factor, which in most cases involves viral infections , which trigger an autoimmune response.

In type two diabetes the genetic component has an even greater value but in this case also the increase in body weight has a significant impact , which contributes to decrease the functionality of pancreatic cells due to the increase in triglyceride synthesis. For this reason, weight loss and physical activity are of prime importance in this case.


The diagnosis of diabetes starts from the analysis of the symptoms , which in the case of type one diabetes are very evident and of immediate interpretation. The diagnostic test to ascertain the presence of the disease, however, is the measurement of blood sugar , done through blood tests.

The sampling must be done in the laboratory, after at least eight hours of fasting and from the results it can be ascertained whether:

  • you do not have diabetes (values ​​below 100 mg / dl);
  • there is an alteration in glycaemia, however not associated with diabetes, (values ​​between 100 and 126 mg / dl);
  • diabetes is confirmed (value above 126 mg / dl).


Nutrition in case of diabetes

The diet of those with diabetes must be rigorously with a low glycemic index , based on an adequate intake of whole grains (in grains and flakes, excluding rice, with the exception of basmati rice which  has a  Gilcemic Index of 58 against 90 in White rice).

Foods rich in  fiber are very good for diabetics, lowering the level of fats in the blood and helping to achieve a sense of satiety: therefore, off on whole wheat, barley, oats, legumes, vegetables. For this reason, it may also be useful to take natural fiber supplements .

Avoid saturated fats such as butter, dairy products, eggs and fatty meats, which clog the arteries. It is advisable to reduce the consumption of proteins, salt, sweets and increase the intake of garlic, onions, leeks , shallots , lettuce, crucifers, tubers, avocados, fenugreek seeds, lotus seeds, cinnamon, juniper berries, black pepper, alpha-alpha sprouts, ginger , coriander, lavender, lemon, sweet marjoram , orange. Rosemary keeps blood sugar fluctuations in check.

Almonds are also among the natural remedies for diabetes: all the properties

Almonds, when and how to use them


Herbal remedies for diabetes

Herbal remedies are useful only in the case of type II diabetes , since type I treatment involves replacement insulin therapy with which herbal preparations could interfere. Combined with a hypoglucide diet and regular physical activity, it is useful:

  • Eucalyptus globosus ;
  • Morus nigra (in the form of Mother Tincture, 20 drops, 3 times a day, away from meals);
  • Vaccinium myrtillus (same administration of the two previous remedies); 
  • Juniperus communis (1 DH Gems, 40 drops twice a day, between meals).

Chamomile ( Matricaria recutita L ) has always been appreciated for its relaxing capacity – it is anti-inflammatory, healing, spasmolytic, antiallergic, antibacterial, antiphonic – and calming, but it can also be used to regulate the level of sugar in the blood.You can learn more about all the herbal remedies for diabetes

Traditional Chinese Medicine

In traditional Chinese medicine, diabetes is identified with the term xiaoke , which indicates states of wasting and thirst, and can be traced back to both endogenous causes, such as hereditary factors, and exogenous ones, as in the case of an incorrect diet. In any case, diabetes affects the functionality of the Lungs, Stomach and Kidneys. Here are some points whose stimulation is useful for toning the Yin and controlling symptoms such as hunger, thirst, polyuria, weight loss, digestive disorders:

FEI SHU (located 1.5 cun to the side of the spinous apophysis of the III thoracic vertebra), tones and regulates the Lung, purifies the Heat;
PI SHU (located 1.5 cun to the side of the spinous process of the XI thoracic vertebra), regulates the blood, mobilizes the qi of the Spleen;
SHEN SHU (1.5 cun to the side of the spinous process of the 2nd lumbar vertebra), regulates and tones the kidney;
ZU SAN LI (under the lower edge of the patella on the side of the anterior tibial crest) which regulates and tones the Stomach and Spleen;
GE SHU (1.5 cunto the side of the spinous apophysis of the VII thoracic vertebra), regulates the Blood, removes the conditions of Void.


Essential oils for diabetes

The essential oil of eucalyptus is very suitable , which is extracted by steam distillation and has an estimated yield of around 1l of essence per 50 kg of leaves. Geranium essential oil is also excellent .

Homeopathic remedies for diabetes

Diabetic disease is fought with homeopathy  through a global approach that also prevents complications.

Among the homeopathic remedies:

  • Carboneum sulfaturum 7 CH (5 granules 1 to 3 times a day), carbon sulfur which is suitable for the treatment of diabetic polyneuritis characterized by neuralgia , cramps, paraesthesia and hypoesthesia; 
  • Phosphoricum acidum 9 CH (5 granules per day), it is a treatment to be reduced in relation to the improvement; 
  • Phosphorus 9 CH (5 granules, 3 times a week or one tube dose per week), white phosphorus is a valuable complement to conventional diabetes therapy.


Exercises for diabetes

Movement is the first enemy of diabetes. Remember that it is essential to walk 30 minutes a day, during the lunch break, or buy an exercise bike to use at home for an hour after returning from work and, for those who have the opportunity, go to the gym, pool or park to play exercises constantly during the week, thus remedying a widespread average tendency to sedentary lifestyle, the main cause of type II diabetes. To obtain greater benefits, physical activity must be increased to 60 continuous minutes, carried out at medium intensity. 

To aerobic exercise (for example walking, cycling, swimming) always integrate strength exercise (exercises with weights), together with exercises for flexibility (bodyweight gymnastics).
The will transforms intentions into actions and is an indispensable tool to start getting better, removing that sense of exhaustion typical in people suffering from diabetes.


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