Dash diet, the diet for hypertension that makes you lose weight
Unlike many weight loss diets, which aim to make you lose weight without worrying too much about the damage to your health and the effects on your metabolism, the Dash diet is a healthy diet that aims at a low-fat diet to reduce high cholesterol, high blood pressure, high blood sugar.
And it also works for weight loss.
The Dash diet is in fact considered one of the healthiest diets in the world.
Dash is an acronym: it stands for Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension , a set of dietary guidelines to reduce hypertension, and thus improve cardiovascular health and reduce visceral fat. Born in America from a team of nutritionists, the Dash diet aims to make you lose weight with a balanced diet, but low in fat, sodium and sugar.
The foods allowed in the Dash diet are white meats, fish, skimmed dairy products, fruits, vegetables, legumes and whole grains, while sweets, alcohol, red meats, fatty cheeses and savory foods must be limited or eliminated.
Red light therefore for seasoned, preserved, smoked foods, for sausages, and attention to the hidden salt in some baked goods.
In short, nothing limiting or demanding, but a healthy dietary approach.
The Dash diet is quite simple to follow, and is based on the idea that getting used to eating in portions and excluding certain unhealthy foods, you lose weight almost without realizing it.
Each food has its own portion, if you want some things you can learn how to dose them in spoons (10/15 gr), yoghurt pots (125 gr), glasses (200 ml) etc.
There are three main meals and two snacks, with a minimum and maximum number of portions depending on the type of food. It is ideal for overweight people and people who need to learn to eat better for health problems, such as high triglycerides or hypertension. The caloric minimum is 1200 calories, and on page two we see an example. ( CONTINUED ON PAGE TWO )
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