Craving for sugar, defeat it in 7 days

Craving for sugar, defeat it in 7 days

The craving for sugars is not to be condemned in general, just as no craving for food is to be condemned in general . I hope it is clear, in order to avoid unnecessary demonizations. But, there is a but. When our craving for sugar is such that we often feel the need despite eating carbohydrates , abundant vegetables and fruit, and the right moderate quantities of sugar, half a teaspoon in coffee, a small dose in the morning jam or in the chocolate cube that we are savoring, then maybe there is a problem. Especially when our craving for sugar turns into a black hunger for sugar, and when we open the packet of cookies there is no way to get it out of our hands.
In short, when our craving for sugar is not the consequence of a starvation diet , it is not the consequence of a reduced carbohydrate content regime, it is not the consequence of two hours of gym that blew us away, then maybe it is addiction

And sugar addiction is dangerous, just like all addictions. 
If it is addictive, we should actually ask ourselves how many sugars we consume . If we drink juices and sugary drinks, if we eat not two or three portions but five of fruit, if we overdo it with honey, brown sugar, agave syrup, but also with artificially sweetened products, if we love the sweet taste and we like to have it always in the mouth, perhaps it is appropriate to limit our craving for sugars.And these 7 tips, one for each day of the week, can be a great help. My advice is to do these things in the first week and wait another two or three weeks, time for our taste buds, dying and being born, to “adjust” to a less sweet taste.

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