Cottage cheese pie: the cheesecake with cottage cheese

Cottage cheese pie: the cheesecake with cottage cheese

Cottage cheese does not have a great reputation, instead they are very versatile and more dietary and protein than ricotta or spreadable cheese, even the light one. 100 grams of normal cottage cheese provide about 100 calories, and if we find the light ones, half. But by blending them you get a cream that we can use as we want, both in salty and sweet versions.

And in fact here is the recipe for the Cottage Cheese Pie, a cheesecake with cottage cheese , easy to make and very balanced in macronutrients.

Ideal for those who want to keep their blood sugar in check, the Cottage Cheese Pie has less fat and more protein than a regular cheesecake (and fewer calories!) And thus balances the sugars.

Here is a cottage cheese cheesecake recipe for you to try .
And basically it only has 4 ingredients!


  • 4 medium eggs, with yolks separated from the whites
  • 200 grams of normal or light cottage cheese
  • 140 grams of sugar
    (you can replace half of it with erythritol or Truvia, in this case it is 37 calories less per serving)
  • the juice of an orange + the zest of an orange
  • una spolverata di cannella (facoltativa)
  • burro o olio per la teglia (facoltativo)
  • una spolverata di zucchero a velo o frutta fresca per guarnirla.


Preriscaldate il forno a 180°. Passate i fiocchi di latte in un frullatore per 5 minuti, fino a ridurli in crema.
Montate a neve gli albumi e metteteli da parte.

Montate i tuorli con lo zucchero, aggiungete la crema di fiocchi di latte, il succo di arancia e la scorza grattata (più la cannella se volete) e montate ancora qualche minuto con la frusta.

Unite al composto gli albumi, poco per volta, incorporandoli con movimenti delicati e circolari. Versate con delicatezza il composto in una teglia da diametro di circa 18-20 cm e bordi alti, eventualmente imburrata.

Put in the oven and cook for half an hour.
Let it cool completely before turning it out into the oven, with the door open.

Nutritional values.

For an eighth of the cake: 175 kcal, 23 grams of carbohydrates, 6 of fats and 6 of proteins.

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