Constipation what to eat? A guide

Constipation what to eat? A guide

Constipation, what to eat if your bowel regularity is compromised?
Not always the reason behind constipation is a lack of fiber in the diet or lack of exercise.

Constipation is often a secondary effect of some diseases.
For example, it is common in hypothyroid patients or in those with irritable bowel syndrome, or it is a side effect of some drugs and supplements.
For example those based on iron.

Other problems that cause constipation are high circadian rhythms, with few hours of sleep and irregular hours, poor hydration, hectic life that often leads us to have little time for ourselves, so we carry out every task in a hurry.

In short, the advice to eat more fruit and vegetables and drink more water is not always indicated against constipation, because, as we have seen, there may be other reasons.

That said, is it possible that nutrition can’t help us in any way?

Today we see all the foods and herbal teas that can help you if you suffer from constipation.


    1. Belgian endive.
      Few people know that eating Belgian endive, preferably raw and even between meals, can solve the problem of constipation.
      In fact, endive contains a lot of potassium but above all lignin , a type of fiber that helps empty the gastric contents.
    2. Cooked fruit .
      Cooked apples and plums are very useful against constipation. They are cooked with a little water and eaten warm or hot (not hot) when they are very soft.
    3. Hot water and molasses.
      Molasses, rich in minerals and prebiotic fibers, resembles honey but is much more useful in case of constipation. It is drunk in the doses of a spoon dissolved in warm or hot water first thing in the morning. It also goes well with a splash of lemon juice.
  1. Porridge.
    The famous oatmeal porridge, which is obtained by cooking oat flakes in a 1: 3 ratio with water, skimmed milk or vegetable milk, is an excellent natural laxative.
    Its fibers soften the fecal mass and help its passage along the intestinal tract.
    It is eaten warm or hot in the morning, we can enrich it with pieces of dried plums or a spoonful of apple puree to enhance its effectiveness.
  2. Raw carrots.
    Carrots eat strictly raw have fiber that act as intestinal scavengers and are generally well tolerated. Eye that cooked cause the opposite effect. Try them coarsely grated and drizzled with a teaspoon of oil or coconut oil plus one teaspoon of apple cider vinegar.
  3. Coconut oil .
    Coconut oil, as well as ghee or clarified butter, greatly helps intestinal regularity. Start taking it as a condiment in one or two tablespoons a day (it has about the same calories as olive oil). Be careful not to overdo it so as not to have the opposite effect.
  4. Raisins.
    Raisins contain tartaric acid, with a laxative effect. It should be soaked in warm water for a few hours, and then it can be added to a yoghurt, to the morning porridge, together with the cooked apple.
  5. Chia and psyllium seeds.
    Both of these seeds are indicated in case of constipation.
    They swell by absorbing a lot of water and soften the stool. For this to happen it is necessary to take them with a lot of liquids, for example using a spoonful of a vegetable cream. They must be cooked enough for them to disintegrate, releasing a gel typical of these mucilages that helps the intestine.
    But be careful: they should not be taken in case of severe constipation.
  6. Mushrooms.
    The champignon mushrooms if cooked for at least forty minutes help against constipation, but in particular it is ganoderma or auricularia to help those suffering from constipation.
  7. Ripe kiwis.
    Very ripe kiwis, possibly without seeds (and without peel) are very effective against constipation especially if eaten on an empty stomach, for example in the morning.

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