Compatibility between Olivis dr Giorgini and cardioaspirin
I would like to know if I can take dr giorgini’s olivis for blood pressure control while following a treatment with cardioaspirin. olivis contains olive tree, hawthorn, shepherd’s purse and flue.
Ingredients: Pure water, wine ethyl alcohol (Alcoolvis®), olive tree
(Olea europaea) leaves, hawthorn (Crataegus oxyacantha) flowers and
leaves, mistletoe (Viscum album) leaves and twigs, shepherd’s purse (Capsella
bursa-pastoris ) plants, flue (Fumaria officinalis) plants. Thank you
Health Answers

Compatibility between Olivis dr Giorgini and cardioaspirin
I would like to know if I can take dr giorgini’s olivis for blood pressure control while following a treatment with cardioaspirin. olivis contains olive tree, hawthorn, shepherd’s purse and flue.
Ingredients: Pure water, wine ethyl alcohol (Alcoolvis®), olive tree
(Olea europaea) leaves, hawthorn (Crataegus oxyacantha) flowers and
leaves, mistletoe (Viscum album) leaves and twigs, shepherd’s purse (Capsella
bursa-pastoris ) plants, flue (Fumaria officinalis) plants. Thank you
Health Answers

Compatibility between Olivis dr Giorgini and cardioaspirin
I would like to know if I can take dr giorgini’s olivis for blood pressure control while following a treatment with cardioaspirin. olivis contains olive tree, hawthorn, shepherd’s purse and flue.
Ingredients: Pure water, wine ethyl alcohol (Alcoolvis®), olive tree
(Olea europaea) leaves, hawthorn (Crataegus oxyacantha) flowers and
leaves, mistletoe (Viscum album) leaves and twigs, shepherd’s purse (Capsella
bursa-pastoris ) plants, flue (Fumaria officinalis) plants. Thank you
Health Answers

Compatibility between Olivis dr Giorgini and cardioaspirin
I would like to know if I can take dr giorgini’s olivis for blood pressure control while following a treatment with cardioaspirin. olivis contains olive tree, hawthorn, shepherd’s purse and flue.
Ingredients: Pure water, wine ethyl alcohol (Alcoolvis®), olive tree
(Olea europaea) leaves, hawthorn (Crataegus oxyacantha) flowers and
leaves, mistletoe (Viscum album) leaves and twigs, shepherd’s purse (Capsella
bursa-pastoris ) plants, flue (Fumaria officinalis) plants. Thank you
Health Answers

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