Comfort food or healthy fast food: summer alternatives

Comfort food or healthy fast food: summer alternatives


With the warm season, invitations to go out are poured, even during the week. Picnics, aperitifs, picnics and packed lunches on the beach, as well as evenings out become a habit of sunny periods and evenings with clear skies and a slightly sparkling air. All nice: but the calories?   And how to combine it all with the desire to stay in shape in order to show off cool dresses and bikinis by the sea in a safer way? In this article we see the alternatives for a healthy and picnic fast food, useful for taking off the whim by keeping calories under control, for organizing aperitifs at home with healthy snacks, for a picnic or some low-calorie snack to compensate for going out.

– Instead of chips, toasted corn and savory snacks: if you are out, order a plate of crudités, which are carrots, celery and thinly sliced ​​cucumbers, often accompanied by a sauce. Obviously the sauce is best forgotten. If you make an aperitif at home, offer plates of datterini tomatoes with toothpicks on the side, a bowl of Greek olives, and spinach chips : spinach chips are obtained by washing and drying a handful of fresh spinach, and then season them with a tablespoon of oil and a pinch of salt and paprika and put them in the oven at 200 ° for 15-20 minutes.
– Instead of the hamburger, the burger chicken:in many places today they have this alternative, and often also an alternative with fish, rather than the meat burger which weighs at least 180 grams. In the summer, a chicken or a fish burger is better, as long as the fish or chicken are not fried. – Instead of the usual rice salad, the rice salad with crunchy vegetables: boil about 250 grams of brown rice, even red, for 4 people and in a large bowl mix it with 2-3 diced cucumbers, salad tomatoes, a dozen pitted olives, carrots and rocket blended in a mixer, 2-3 thinly sliced ​​Tropea onions. Season with a tablespoon of olive oil, lemon juice and a tablespoon of pesto. – Instead of cheesecake, the extra-light yogurt cake:

just mix 500 grams of white skimmed Greek yogurt with 3-4 eggs, 6 tablespoons of sugar, a tablespoon of Truvia and 200 grams of red fruits of your choice plus a bag of vanillin and a bag of vanilla pudding preparation. Put the mixture in the oven and then when it is cold in the fridge, with a veil of sugar-free jam on top. An ideal and balanced summer dessert.
– Instead of the usual spirits, mimosa cocktails and peach prosecco:if you are out, for an aperitif or after dinner, avoid alcohol, spirits and cocktails. Better a mimosa (orange juice and prosecco) or a glass of prosecco and that’s it. If you invite people home, steep yellow peaches and orange slices in 750 ml of prosecco and serve this 90-calorie-a-glass light cocktail. Do you want a cocktail at all costs? Always opt for spritz!
– Instead of fruit salad, a slice of watermelon or melon: avoid fruit salad in summer. These are mixed fruit to which sugar is added. A little too much both as a snack and after a meal. If you want to freshen up your mouth, a slice of melon or pineapple is ideal. And as a snack? Try a glass of chopped watermelon with mint leaves and 30 grams of crumbled feta cheese on top.
– Instead of ice cream, sorbet: fruit sorbet is a milk-free fruit ice cream. Ideal as an after-meal if you have gone out for dinner and everyone around you screams to finish the evening with a nice ice cream. A cup of lemon fruit sorbet gives you no more than 100 calories. Strawberry about 130. 

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