Chiropractic neurology: harmony between brain and back
What are the benefits and tools of chiropractic neurology and what are the connections between the cerebral hemispheres and the spin

It is also called “chiropractic of the mind” and is a branch of chiropractic that simultaneously combines manipulation and observation of the spine with stimulation of the brain .
Chiropractic therapy is in fact a healing process that is carried out by the recipient of the treatment; who initiates it, the chiropractor, is in charge of inducing self -healing, of routing, of putting in that direction.
It is like giving the body-mind system the possibility to perform a reset from which to start to feel better through a conscious effort.
Many fear chiropractic, they associate it with a “useless crack”, a continuous and abrupt move forward for manipulation which the body can also get used to.
The Benefits of Chiropractic Neurology
The benefits of this therapy are on rehabilitation not only on a physical level, but also on an emotional level. When we talk about trauma we must also think of a disturbance, an alteration of the inner serenity that is inevitably connected to the posture .
This type of shock also acts at the level of the spine , creating a domino effect whereby the weakness of the brain area that has suffered the blow is added to the fragility of a vulnerable soul. There is a profound link between spinal misalignment and hemispheric imbalance .
These two extremely connected factors, if not observed and brought to awareness, can generate anxiety , depressive states, discomfort, insomnia , blocks of various kinds . In this sense, functional neurology works on restoring the state of balance and harmony that the body seeks.
The neurologist chiropractor goes to work on the imbalances resulting from an inefficient neurological connection between the two hemispheres of the brain.
These areas of the brain are configured as weak points that can create motor, cognitive, behavioral and learning deficits.
The art of manual therapy serves precisely to stimulate these weak points and to heal any compromises or interference in the nervous system.Â
Read also When to contact the chiropractor >>
The interactive metronome and visual stimulations
Optokinetic stimulations are those used by the specialist in chiropractic neurology. This type of visual stimulation serves to strengthen the back, since the well-being of the brain corresponds to that of the back and vice versa.Â
Then there is a neurological crisis instrument which is the interactive metronome : it is a technical means experimented in the United States in the early nineties, which is used in exercises of gradual difficulty involving hands and feet.
It is used in coordination disorders, impaired cognition, behavioral disorders such as attention deficit hyperactivity syndrome, post ischemic dystonia, cerebral palsy and Parkinson’s syndrome.Â
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