Cellulite: causes and all remedies

Cellulite: causes and all remedies

Cellulite is one of the most common imperfections that can underlie circulatory lymphatic disorders and inflammation of the tissues.


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Cellulite is the most common skin blemish, it occurs when the blood microcirculation is compromised and ends up engulfing and making the subcutaneous adipose tissue suffer.

  • How cellulite is formed
  • Symptoms of cellulite
  • How to tell if it is cellulite or water retention?
  • Causes of cellulite
  • How to prevent cellulite
  • Diagnosing cellulite
  • Nutrition against cellulite
  • Natural remedies for cellulite
  • Bach flowers for cellulite
  • Chinese medicine for cellulite
  • Aromatherapy
  • Exercises for cellulite
  • Aesthetic treatments useful for fighting cellulite

How cellulite is formed

Cellulite is the most common skin blemish , it occurs when the blood microcirculation is compromised and ends up engulfing and making the subcutaneous adipose tissue suffer.

In fact , the fat cells contained in the lipoderm represent the body’s energy reserve ; through the lipolysis processes, fats are mobilized and used as needed.

When faced with an alteration of blood or lymphatic microcirculation , lipolysis is compromised, with fluid retention, localized accumulations of fats, and stagnation of toxins.

If this stall condition persists, a degenerative process is triggered , which begins with edema but can worsen in inflammation, thickening of the connective tissue, fibrosis, formation of nodules. 

The disorder does not resolve itself in the orange peel aspect of the skin, on the contrary, this imperfection is only the alarm bell of a more or less serious damage to the microcirculation.

Symptoms of cellulite

Depending on the severity of the disorder, three types of cellulite are distinguished : compact, flaccid or edematous cellulite.

  1. Compact cellulite preferably affects subjects in good physical condition and with toned muscles and often it is a simple water retention due to loss of fluids due to physical exertion.
  2. Flaccid cellulite occurs especially in middle-aged people who have hypotonic tissue.
  3. Finally, edematous cellulite , which occurs in association with the compact one, preferably on the legs, and represents the fairly common consequence of circulatory pathologies.

The disorder can range from simple retention to manifest and permanent lesions (sclerosis), which present with hard and painful lumps under the skin.

How to tell if it is cellulite or water retention?

Water retention and cellulite are two related but distinct problems. Let’s try to clarify. 

  • Water retention is due to the accumulation of interstitial fluid between the cells of the dermis , with difficulty in disposing of toxins, salts and uric acids. It occurs with skin swelling , localized on the stomach, ankles, feet, sometimes on the trunk, arms and face.
  • Cellulite is an inflammation of the tissues with an increase in the adipose part: mechanically the interstitial fluid enters the porous cells of the dermis, causes swelling, compromising the capillary and lymphatic network, nodules are formed, mainly located on the thighs and buttocks. To the touch the two dysfunctions can be empirically distinguished: if pressing the part remains a white imprint of the finger it is in the presence of water retention; if pinching the part creates small holes then it is cellulite.

Causes of cellulite

The causes that determine the onset of cellulite can be of different nature. This annoying imperfection can in fact depend not only on an unhealthy lifestyle but also on hereditary genetic factors and hormonal imbalances . The most common causes are:

  • Genetic factors , due to the more or less marked tendency to accumulate adipose tissue
  • Incorrect nutrition , which can affect the future metabolism since childhood
  • Hormonal factors , due to excess estrogen that facilitate water retention
  • Taking medications , such as birth control pills 
  • Stress and nervousness
  • Sedentary lifestyle and low physical activity
  • Problems with microcirculation

How to prevent cellulite

Preventing cellulite is not always possible, especially if it is of a genetic nature. Certainly taking care of microcirculation , drinking plenty of water to detoxify the body, walking , activating the venous return , not standing for too long, using comfortable and not too tight clothes are habits that are an excellent start to prevent the formation of cellulite. Periodically  receiving lymphatic drainage massages is a further excellent solution both in prevention and in eliminating  existing cellulite .

Diagnosing cellulite

The collection of anamnestic data involves , in sequence, the evaluation of parameters such as:

  • Eating habits;
  • appearance of the menarche ; 
  • when taking contraceptives; 
  • number of pregnancies carried or not completed;
  • contingent psycho-physical and neuroendocrine situation;
  • recent weight history;
  • current and previous pharmacotherapy;
  • daily physical activity. 

In short, the subject must, first of all, be framed in the psycho-somatic typology , collecting as much information as possible, so as to be able to evaluate the interference on the current clinical picture.

The examination investigates the  tissue state , especially the condition of the lower limbs for the observation of any stasis, or venous insufficiency. The presence of:

  • Malleolar edema ;
  • Sense of heaviness in the lower limbs ;
  • Paresthesia (and / or heartburn);
  • Daytime cramps
  • Night cramps
  • Telangiectasias ;
  • Varices .

Nutrition against cellulite

Cellulite is often accompanied by constipation , hemorrhoids and heaviness in the legs and can be aggravated by some incorrect eating habits. Refined carbohydrates, sweets and alcohol should be reduced. Foods that lead to a stagnation of the lymphatic system

should also be limited :

  • L atticini;
  • White flour;
  • saturated fats from meat;
  • butter;
  • sausages.

To be preferred instead :

  • Fish ;
  • legumes ;
  • cold pressed vegetable oils such as extra virgin olive oil and linseed oil ;
  • seasonal fruit and vegetables .

The fibers that improve intestinal function are important , especially in the case of constipation, thus avoiding intestinal congestion that puts pressure on the lower limbs. It is also a good idea to use fat- burning foods, which stimulate the metabolism such as coffee , pineapple , spices and cereals .

Helpful support for the liver with bitter-tasting vegetables ( chicory , turnip greens , radicchio , Belgian endive ) and foods with a direct hepatic tropism: artichokes and nettle .

It is advisable to increase the consumption of berries to improve circulation and citrus fruits.

How to cure cellulite with natural cosmetics

Herbal remedies for cellulite

Plants to combat cellulite blemishes , used in phytotherapy, act on the protection of blood vessels and on improving the elasticity of their walls, exert anti-inflammatory and anti-edema activities, others have diuretic properties. They can be taken individually or in compounds to exploit their synergistic action, in herbal teas , tablets or capsules and mother tinctures .

The leaves and bark of Witch Hazel ( Hamamelis Virginiana ) are used in disorders of the circulatory system, where an astringent action is required.

While the leaves of Centella ( Centella asiatica ) , by strengthening and elasticizing the walls of the blood vessels, favor the correct peripheral circulation, therefore they are indicated to reduce capillary permeability and subcutaneous edema.

The pineapple stem ( Ananas sativus ) is widely used to improve blood and lymphatic circulation because it reduces vasodilation and excessive permeability of capillaries, reducing inflammation or localized pain.

On the other hand, Sweet Clover  ( Melilotus officinalis ) is used in the treatment of venous and lymphatic insufficiency, in the presence of edema and swelling of the lower limbs, water retention, heavy legs and cellulite.

Finally, among the plants that stimulate diuresis and the lymphatic system by promoting the elimination of excess fluids, we find the leaves of Birch ( Betula Pendula ) which are considered one of the elective remedies in the treatment of cellulite, as they help the elimination and disappearance of the fibroconnective nodules, characteristic of this skin imperfection; and Pilosella ( Hieracium pilosella ), a powerful diuretic , used in the treatment of cellulite blemishes, swelling of the ankles, edema of the lower limbs, water retention especially if resulting from eating disorders or pharmacological treatments.

These plants are among  natural supplements against cellulite , together with dandelion, artichoke and burdock.

Among the gemmoderivati ​​the most suitable are that of Birch lymph ( Betula verrucosa lymph ) with analgesic and anti-inflammatory activity, and that of Chestnut ( Castanea Vesca ) used against lymphatic stasis in the lower limbs, edema and symptoms of venous insufficiency.

Bach flowers for cellulite

Physical pathologies such as cellulite and water retention are not treated directly with Bach flowers .

Bach flowers , in fact, act mainly on the emotional state, which leads to the manifestation of a certain disorder. When the lymphatic and circulatory systems become congested, and liquids and toxins are retained, it means that an internal imbalance, linked to excessive control , is manifesting on a physical level. 

Personalized blends will need to take this analogy into account to change character attitudes or negative emotions, in order to release excess fluids and promote the healing process.

Traditional Chinese Medicine

In Chinese medicine , to combat cellulite, tissue enzymes must be increased and the lipid and water metabolism affected. The typical session includes 10 therapies lasting one hour where the acupuncturist acts locally on the affected regions with needles of different sizes.

However, it should be noted that in Chinese Medicine the disorder is interpreted as  an accumulation of Yin and Liquids  that is due either to excess weight or to structural bodily problems.

  1. In the case of excess weight, cellulite is inserted into a condition of generalized adiposity and leads to disturbances in the ” transport / transformation ” function of the Spleen ;
  2. in the second, due to bodily structural problems, the disturbance is due to kidney disorders  and more properly to problems of fascia, body alignment and therefore posture.

Aromatherapy for cellulite

Essential oils have a draining action on lymphatic stagnation and can therefore be used for the treatment of cellulite, through a massage that stimulates  peripheral and lipolytic circulation on localized fat. They are used locally diluted in almond oil (10 drops per 100ml of oil) or in the tub to take toning baths with anti-cellulite action.

  • Birch essential oil :  prevents venous problems and circulatory disorders, in case of heavy legs, swelling, edema and lymphatic stagnation; while for its diuretic and draining activity, it favors the elimination of excess fluids and clearly reduces kneading and the painful component. The essential oil of birch is therefore indicated in case of obesity and cellulite. and to eliminate stagnant liquids in the tissues.
  • Lemon essential oil : it is a tonic for the circulatory system; stimulates lymphatic and venous circulation, strengthens blood vessels and thins the blood. Excellent against disorders due to poor circulation, such as heavy legs, edema, cellulite, varicose veins and capillary fragility and chilblains.
  • Rosemary essential oil : used as an ingredient in cosmetic products and mud treatments against cellulite or localized adiposity, thanks to its lipolytic action (dissolves fats), stimulating the peripheral circulation and draining the lymphatic system.
  • Celery essential oil : it has a diuretic  action  and stimulates microcirculation by counteracting venous and lymphatic stasis, therefore it is an effective remedy against cellulite.

Exercises in case of cellulite

Moving  is the categorical imperative to reduce cellulite . Already with  gentle gymnastics  or  walking  or cycling , the ailments of the lower limbs will be alleviated and the body will free itself from excess toxins.

Beware of excessive physical activity . If it is true that moving is very good, it is equally true that exaggerated and prolonged efforts accentuate the disturbance. Because? Because the muscles undergo overstimulation , the production of lactic acid increases and this negatively affects the microcirculation. It is essential to keep the heart rate low (at most 130 beats per minute) and to do targeted exercises to counteract the imperfection .

Physical activity should be kept constant at least 3 times a week for 30 or 40 minutes; the metabolic mechanisms linked to the disposal of fats are activated only after the first half hour of motion.

If you are a woman close to menopause but have never practiced sports consistently, now is the time to act. Cellulite can appear when the woman undergoes hormonal changes and it is important to maintain good circulation and oxygenation of the tissues.

Avoid prolonged use of heeled shoes and remember that too tight clothing can flood the microcirculation. Review the habit of crossing your legs or assuming incorrect postures, which are harmful to the blood supply of the legs. If your work takes several hours in a sitting position, pause it with breaks to stretch and stretch .

Activities such as  swimming  and  water aerobics , which involve movement with the friction of the water and work all the muscles, are highly recommended; not only does the water re-oxygenates the tissues, but the movement in the tub or at the sea doubles the resistance times. 

Aesthetic treatments useful for fighting cellulite

In case of mild cellulite, which has not degenerated into pathology, there are anti- cellulite treatments that can be considered remedies.

  • The most effective is pressure therapy : a machine that embraces the legs, buttocks and stomach and exerts gradual and progressive pressures from the bottom upwards to promote venous and lympho-gyadular return. 
  • Massages carried out with a technique that allows the adipose panniculus to be lifted and to detach it from the underlying tissue and drain towards the reference lymphatic ganglia are also effective  .

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