Cardio for weight loss according to coach Dave Gamba

Cardio for weight loss according to coach Dave Gamba

How to use cardio for weight loss? Does it make sense to work hard for hours on the treadmill or jogging? According to the famous coach Dave Gamba , no, or rather: you could save time and have more results if you did a different job, which combines both aerobic cardio and anaerobic activity typical of intense efforts. A short but more effective work because if done correctly it burns more calories and trains the whole body at the same time . And this takes only from 4 minutes to about a quarter of an hour of our days.

In other words, the right cardio for weight loss is not the long-lasting one (called Liss if at low intensity), but the HIIT one, i.e. with high intensity intervals and a short execution time, which alternates phases of high intensity movements ( fast, in which we give the maximum in terms of efforts) to low intensity phases with variants consisting of different exercises.
Dave Gamba sets this type of cardio hiit to a training protocol known as Tabata, which I have already covered here. 
The Tabata protocol that you need to do to perform cardio work to lose weight is equivalent to training for 4 minutes as follows: 20 seconds of high intensity exercise and 10 seconds of rest, all repeated 8 times. These 4 minutes of exercise are equivalent to a circuit that can also be done at home . But how to use these circuits to get the best results? Let’s see it together. 

If you don’t train at the gym you can make Tabata-style cardio HIIT a real workout: 4 circuits with 3 minutes of rest for a total of 15-20 minutes in total.

For those who train in the gym, after training Dave recommends a single 4-minute circuit, which can also be done with an exercise bike or elliptical.

Progress comes when we manage to be both fast and exercise correctly, training both aerobically and anaerobically, and improving both strength and endurance and agility. In this way, in a few minutes, you can lose body fat and increase your metabolism.
To get some circuit ideas, here are Dave Gamba’s videos, all 4 minutes long, for a total of one circuit.
For those wishing to do a single workout , it can also be done 3 times a week, alternating the various circuit proposals for a total of 4 total circuits per training (you will not get more results if you do more) or by choosing one and repeating it 4 times per workout.

Here are some video tips from Dave:
Cardio Tabata for beginners, a 4-minute circuit
Cardio Tabata intermediate level, a 4-minute circuit

To learn more, I recommend this article on the right aerobic training for weight loss. 
To get a consultation from Dave Gamba , follow one of his training programs and have a diet and physical activity protocol that will give you concrete results, click here. 

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