Buttocks workout, all you need to know

Buttocks workout, all you need to know

On the glute training we read everything and its opposite: that it is enough to do the squats or an exercise x of your choice (do hip trust, do lunges, do sumo deadlifts) and the butt grows, that you do not always have to train, that all of them must be trained. days, which must be stimulated with exercises in isolation (i.e. those exercises that isolate the target muscle), which if you do not jump, do not stretch and do not contract, you will not get results. I’ve spent years figuring out how to do an effective glute workout .
When you have worked with various coaches and have heard three thousand bells and have tried the same principles on yourself and other people, obtaining results far better than those you have obtained with third parties, there is a reason.

And this is why: translate all the articles into English by yourself, follow the workouts of the Brazilian fit models and test the various workouts on herself, taking note of the results.
I’m not saying that your coach can’t get you the glutes you want: I’m just saying that in most cases, in standard workouts, glutes grow and develop with leg growth.
Which leads many women to fear leg workouts, as they end up with huge quads and modest butts compared to the rest of the leg.

Let’s take the case of the squat. A good exercise for the glutes too, but especially for the quadriceps. In most cases, squaters do a “quadriceps-dominant” workout. Same thing for traditional lunges.
Are there any isolation exercises for the buttocks? Yes, of course, starting with the hip thrust . Here .
But there are some things to know about this exercise too:
– for it to be effective, it must have “training” loads or a “strong” elastic band (gray or blue)
– it is uncomfortable
– in many Italian gyms it is not done and worse, you can also find instructors who discourage the exercise for fear that the subject gets hurt (once a guy yelled at me not to do it while I lifted ninety kilos: imagine the fright, not of the guy, but mine).
– just hip thrusting won’t get you the butt you want, it’s simple. The greatest expert in this exercise is Bret Contreras , but in the glute training that he makes his athletes perform, he does not only do hip thrust. And he makes them train at a high volume , which is no less than four times a week.
ps: The good news is that you can hip thrust the smith machine (like this), or the leg extension (like that).

The glute training in fact must include several exercises , a mix, of which at least a couple per session must be glute isolation. If you want an effective glute workout, you have to train your glutes every day you exercise. With some “recall” exercises (one or two are enough). 

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