Breakfast with strawberry tiramisu

Breakfast with strawberry tiramisu

breakfast with strawberry tiramisu

Breakfast with strawberry tiramisu
Author:  Dcomedieta
Recipe type:  Dessert
Preparation time:  20 minutes
Cooking time: 
Total time:  20 minutes
For:  8
Strawberry tiramisuit is a perfect dessert for breakfast. In this version there are no eggs, there is less sugar and in general it is a perfectly balanced dish, with 236 calories per serving. In fact, this strawberry tiramisu has a minimal amount of fat, the right proteins of low-fat dairy products (Greek yogurt and ricotta), carbohydrates and simple sugars of ladyfingers. It is also very easy to prepare. The only warning is to choose ladyfingers or similar biscuits (Pavesini are fine too) as long as they only have flour, sugar, eggs and natural flavors. No palm oil, no artificial flavors. In this way, while using packaged biscuits, you can obtain a healthy dessert. The alternative is to replace the ladyfingers with thin slices of heaven cake, of homemade plum cake, of donut or sponge cake. Especially if your cake or donut has been left over for a few days.
  • For 8 servings of strawberry tiramusu
  • calories per serving: 236
  • 250 gr. of ladyfingers (978 calories)
  • 350 gr. 0% fat Greek yogurt (182 calories)
  • 250 gr. cow’s milk ricotta (365 calories)
  • 70 gr. coconut palm sugar or honey (213 calories)
  • 2 tablespoons of unsweetened cocoa (64)
  • rum aroma
  • 250/300 gr. ripe strawberries (90 calories)
  1. Wash the strawberries, remove the stalk and place them in a mixer with yogurt, ricotta, a pinch of salt (optional), the flavoring, honey or coconut palm sugar. Blend until creamy. In a baking dish or in a pan with a diameter of 22 cm, make a first layer of ladyfingers, pour ⅔ of the cream, cover with the remaining ladyfingers and pour the rest of the cream leveling well, so as to obtain a thin layer. Sprinkle with bitter cocoa, garnish with some strawberries in the center and refrigerate for at least ⅚ hours before serving.
  2. ps: as you can see in this recipe, the cookies do not get wet. It is partly due to the presence of strawberries which makes the cream wetter than the traditional mascarpone one. For those who want, the cookies can be lightly moistened with skim milk, coconut water or pineapple juice with no added sugar, but personally I prefer this version, which allows the strawberry tiramisu to be preserved for several days, perfect as the first day. For the same reason I avoided whole strawberries between one layer and another.

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