Boost your metabolism with tips from Haylie Pomroy

Boost your metabolism with tips from Haylie Pomroy

Twenty tips to boost metabolism according to the super metabolism wizard, Dr. Haylie Pomroy, author of the Super Metabolism method, the Turbo diet and the new Metabolic Revolution diet . These are unpublished tips to stimulate the metabolism, which contain those already present in the three books in a new vademecum and which can be used for those suffering from slow metabolism and want to increase it not with a specific diet but with better nutrition. Let’s see them in preview. 


1) Get more sleep: you will reduce stress and allow the body to burn fat reserves, which happens at rest
2) Cook your own meals: it is always better to prepare them at home in large doses and freeze the other portions. A way not only to reduce calories, but to avoid taking too much fat and use seasonal products.
3) Consume fresh and seasonal fruit and vegetables: it is also fine cooked, pureed, etc. Plant-based antioxidants and fiber help your metabolism and improve digestion and intestinal health. 4) Avoid caffeine:too much coffee interferes with liver function, and in this way you risk making you fat. During the day, use herbal teas or plant milk with Ceylon cinnamon, a spice that helps you counteract glycemic peaks.
5) Avoid stress in all ways: stress interferes with the metabolism, slowing it down.
6) Consume alcohol in extreme moderation: as with caffeine, alcohol worsens the health of our liver. And if the liver is not working optimally, the metabolism is compromised.
7) Drink the right amount to hydrate yourself: Pomroy recommends drinking 30ml of water per pound of body weight. Lemon or lime juice can be great additions to promote healthy digestion.
8) Smile more: those who smile and relax burn more calories. Disconnect from the routine by indulging in some entertainment.
9) Choose real food: avoid packaged products as much as possible. Additives, dyes and preservatives interfere with our hormones. 10) Avoid a sedentary lifestyle: train at least 3 times a week. 11) Avoid counting calories too much: not only is it stressful, but it limits your choice of quality and healthy foods. 12) Eat often: eat three main meals perhaps smaller and have 2-3 snacks a day. 13) Have breakfast within half an hour of waking up: in this way you reduce stress and restart your metabolism.14) Avoid added sugars, gluten and over-processed foods.
15) Use spices:
 they help reduce salt, have anti-inflammatory properties, are antioxidants.
16) Avoid light products: skimmed or light products are to be avoided. Choose natural ones with no added sugars.
17) Use essential oils: each has specific properties, but those who use essential oils are more relaxed and are also able to create a more positive and favorable external environment for the body and nervous system. Try using them to massage yourself as well.
18) Go organic where possible . This will reduce your exposure to pesticides, other endrocin interferents.
19) Take a good multivitamin:even if your diet is perfect, the natural multivitamin gives you an edge if you start from a compromised metabolism.
20) Enjoy the food you eat : make your meals tasty and palatable with spices, herbs, different colors in fruit and vegetables, citrus marinades for meat and fish. In this way, all the senses participate in the meal, reducing hunger and properly educating the body (I am eating / feeding).


Regimen, the new weight loss plan from Pomroy and Oz


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