Body Mass Index and Body Weight: What Really Makes You Fat

Body Mass Index and Body Weight: What Really Makes You Fat

girl-414378_640By now I have had the callus: when someone knows me and they talk about body weight, no one would ever think that I weigh so much . You look much thinner. Indeed it is, since I train for two hours four times a week: what makes me lean is my lean mass, regardless of weight.
If I had kept thinking about weight, and not about fitness, growing up, now I would not have these muscles, and I would be fatter: I would try any diet just to fit in a number, to the detriment of my health. And I’ve had enough diets. I’ve done hundreds of them. I started my first diet at twelve, as I was obese. Not overweight: obese. The doctors shook their heads when they looked at me. Then I lost weight, but if today I am a fit person I do not owe it to the number on the scale or to the diets, but to the lifestyle achieved over the years.

And precisely on body weight I would like to make some considerations , obviously not subjective but supported by cases and articles:
1) Muscles “weigh” more than fat for the same volume: once I stayed three weeks completely blocked in bed, inert, and total muscle inactivity made me lose three kilos. In three weeks (no dehydration). When I got back on my feet, I had to do gymnastics and weights every day to reform the muscle: I gained six kilos. All of fat? Let’s not joke! Reduced the activity to the usual 4 times a week, after a few months I had dropped to two kilos. 2) So why, have more muscles and less fat?

Have you ever heard of that person who stays stint all the time, then has dinner at a restaurant and suddenly gains two kilos? Very frequent among women, who rightly are terrified of these things. Strange, at most the day after I weigh a few pounds more, which I lose the next day. Those with more muscle weigh more, but have a faster metabolism, and wear the same clothes better than a person who weighs less on the scale but has more fat mass. She looks even better: toned, harmonious, defined. So, from a health standpoint, what are those extra pounds worth of muscle and less fat? Here, in fact. (

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