Bionatural disciplines in Phase 2: Emiliana Alessandrucci, CoLAP speaks

Bionatural disciplines in Phase 2: Emiliana Alessandrucci, CoLAP speaks

How to understand the restart for the operators of holistic well-being and personal care? In an awaited meeting for CoLAP associates, the president Emiliana Alessandrucci provided ideas for a new approach to the profession in the time of the coronavirus.

coronavirus bionatural disciplines

When it comes to recovery , the debate seems to refer above all to the production sector, to the relaunch of the tourism and catering sector. The large area of ​​personal services  still experiences many unknowns, relating to the rules that the individual professional areas will have to respect for the containment of the Coronvirus infection .


The Coordination of Free Professional Associations (CoLAP) , a non-partisan and non-profit association with over 200 associated realities and 300 thousand members, has set itself the theme of intervening to bring order and clarify to professionals how to distribute and understand the provisions in the world of bionatural disciplines , schools and operators .


Emiliana Alessandrucci , president of CoLAP, is young, prepared and fierce, used to promoting amendments when politics leaves out important aspects, actress of interesting television contradictions.


During an online meeting organized by the Shiatsu Operators Coordination (Cos), more than 50 operators and teachers were connected, a sign of keen interest and concern. Emiliana has also shown, perhaps also thanks to her counseling and guidance skills, an understanding and at the same time stimulating aspect, aware of the  questions and fears for the future that pervade wellness professionals. 


The lockdown and Phase 2 have raised doubts and confusion among professionals of bionatural disciplines …

Precisely in Chinese medicine , an area known by many, we know that crisis and opportunity are two sides of the same coin. Operators need to be an active part of the change in order not to be expelled from it, that they do not put in place resistance, rather that they are able to identify what opportunities this crisis can offer them.


Accustomed to a certain “silence inside”, I know that many are taking advantage of this “stop” to grow and improve . Some are already developing  new ideas to turn into professional projects.


Teachers are running online courses ; it is certainly not the same as what was done but it helps to keep the relationship with students and users alive. I say all this without wanting to diminish the difficulties, economic, relational and often also identity-related of these professionals. 


Despite Covid, or perhaps just for the moment that the virus forces us to live, there seems to be a great demand for holistic treatments and courses in disciplines of inner growth and relaxation. How to reconcile this request with security measures?

People live in a moment of fragility , of confusion. If they have any discomfort and imbalance they are currently also afraid to go to the doctor.


Paradoxically, they would need even more techniques to manage anxiety and isolation, treatments to increase listening and  self-awareness .


This is why the relationship with them should not be interrupted while waiting for us to start again, perhaps gradually or perhaps in ways that will end up unexplored. This relationship is the seed that will blossom when we can start again . 


What emerged from the meeting with the associations of professionals of the bionatural disciplines registered in the CoLAP?

We have drawn up proposals for phase 2, the reactivation of activities after the stoppage due to the Covid emergency . Define the reopening, the possible projects, the conditions to implement them.


We have suggested ways to ensure safety for operators / teachers and users, ranging from the prevention of risks of exposure, proximity and aggregation to the sanitation of premises and work clothes, from hygiene procedures to protective devices.


We are all going through a difficult period, of crisis and of challenge. Change, transformation and adaptivity are phases, not synonyms .


The overwhelming, unexpected change comes from outside and asks us for a transformation that comes from within. Adaptivity , on the other hand, is the ability to prevent, to see in advance what will happen, to be able to plan a new way of working, while maintaining one’s own identity.


At least for a certain period we will have to think about other modalities, both of life and of work. Imagine a different way to interpret the profession . It is possible that, simply, the square footage of the premises of schools or studios is inadequate, that the reception must be of a few or even one person at a time for the courses or treatments.


I think it’s a time when it would be useful to network to share skills and invent new projects together. 


So what will happen soon?

The proposals agreed in the table are purely indicative and suggestive, we must comply with the rules dictated by the Government for the reopening. 


With respect to the Ateco code (reference to production activities) we do not know if they will go into detail or if they will generally quote code 96 as “personal service activities” (in common with beauty centers). In any case, reopening from 18 May is the responsibility of the Regions. 

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