Bianchini method for weight loss: pros and cons

Bianchini method for weight loss: pros and cons

Compared to other newspapers, Dcomedieta has decided to speak only now of the famous Bianchini Method , to have the time to collect as much information as possible on this slimming method that allows you to lose weight without limiting yourself in quantities, and in which many foods are included.

The reason for this choice is to make sure that the reader can get the most complete idea of ​​this method before trying it.

It is in fact a paid route.
The premises are really tempting: you can lose up to 15 kilos per month, taking into account that there is no equal weight loss threshold for everyone. There are those who lose 5 kilos and those who lose 10 or 11 a month. The results also vary from man to woman. The opinions of people who have tried the Bianchini Method are in most cases very positive.

Let’s first see what the Bianchini Method is.


By Bianchini Method we mean a food re-education program that goes in stages and that can be vegeterian or omnivorous but not vegan. A first slimming phase in which only certain foods are allowed in combination with others, roughly speaking to proteins and vegetables, with the addition of fatty condiments such as oil or butter.

The menu is not the same for everyone, it depends on the client’s preferences at the time of the first consultation. To devise this method is Dr. Paolo Bianchini, nutritional and nutraceutical consultant, who lives in Salò.


Therefore, the creator does not seem to be a nutritionist or dietician, given that the site states that the skills are not those of a doctor or a nutritionist biologist.

It is a professional figure of another type, with specific knowledge in the field of nutraceuticals (= nutrition + pharmaceutical: term that means a new science in which nutrition is studied for preventive purposes and to support health, thanks to the properties treatments of individual foods).


The Bianchini Method is essentially based on a journey in stages thus formulated.

  • A first phase in which the customer has a personalized menu after a cognitive interview. This menu is the slimming one, and is essentially the most restrictive. So in this menu, which lasts about 30-40 days, not all foods are eaten, but only some: for example in general it does not seem that there are foods based on carbohydrates, but it may be that some customers have them at certain times of the day, and others not. There is not enough information on this point.

Bianchini, however, seems convinced that sugars are responsible not only for the extra pounds, but for poor health.

In an answer that can be consulted in the FAQs of the Bianchini Method, we find this clarification on the page: /.

“Legumes are nutritionally carbohydrates because they are rich in starch and therefore potentially fattening. It is best to avoid them at least the first 30 days afterwards (with intelligence) they can be entered. Salivary enzymes (amylases) break down starch by turning it into glucose, thereby increasing blood sugar with production of insulin. I remember that glucose is responsible for many pathologies … “

Now, legumes are nutritionally carbohydrates, but they also have a good supply of proteins. Therefore they are a profoundly different food from bread, pasta or rice. In fact, they are called vegetable proteins for a reason, namely because they have 20 grams upwards (depending on the legume) of proteins per 100 grams, and which, combined with carbohydrates such as pasta or rice or cereals, give a complete supply of amino acids. They also have a low glycemic index, so they don’t raise postprandial glycaemia much. In addition, insulin also rises with a protein-based meal.

Glucose, we find written, is responsible for many pathologies. We then see a link to an AIRC article that seems to confirm what Dr. Bianchini says if one reads the url, but not if one takes the trouble to verify.

Actually, in the Airc article it doesn’t say this at all. He says there is no scientific evidence that sugar causes an increased risk of cancer except in the case of breast cancer; which should be moderated but not eliminated; that there are no sugars better than others.

Therefore, considering sugar of any kind as a fattening and disease-causing substance is not in line with the results of scientific research.   Go on.

  • If you choose to lose weight with the Bianchini Method, the combinations must be respected and you must be very precise in providing your preferences, because you cannot make free variations and no substitutions are given.
    At first glance, but this is my personal opinion, the method seems very similar to that of the Lemme diet, except for a few things (for example, lemon juice is prohibited here and you cannot eat fried foods). Furthermore, like Lemme, Bianchini also states that physical activity can hinder weight loss .

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