Because you don’t have to lose weight in no time

Because you don’t have to lose weight in no time

dietary a littleWe are all in a hurry. We would like to have a magic wand to reach in a second many of the goals that society imposes on us more than ourselves: not only the ideal weight, but the ideal weight to look lean; and then eat well, age as badly as possible or even live under the illusion of remaining young; be toned and dynamic without the effort of going to the gym. And for everything, work, home, love and money or health, we often look for the shortcut, the quickest way and the usefulness.
But I don’t want to sink you into big existential problems, I want to talk to you about weight . Why losing weight in a short time is unhealthy and harmful,and unless you have the Blue Fairy to transform your body including the genetic heritage , it is something absolutely inadvisable, and that every time I am horrified when I feel it on the lips of my friends.

Here are the reasons why you shouldn’t try to lose weight in a short time:
– The only diets capable of making you lose weight in a short time are drastic diets , which lower the metabolism.
– Weight loss in a short time is always temporary because of the first point (low metabolism)
– Weight loss in a short time is fictitious, a deception: the body does not have time to lose weight in a few days, it can only get rid of the excess water and get rid of some muscles to recover glycogen. The water will replenish it. Muscles don’t, so it will tend to take fat to compensate. At the end of the diet.
– The only trick to not lose muscle mass but fat in a short time is to kill yourself with gymnastics for hours, with weights and high intensity exercises, and a caloric intake equal to 800 calories per day . If you can , as soon as you stop doing all this exercise your body will get rid of excess muscle fibers and your metabolism will drop. Point and head.
– In response to the only trick to lose muscle mass but fat in no time that I just told you about, each of these extreme practices increases stress and therefore cortisol in the blood. Cortisol also makes you fat, and is responsible for premature aging, health problems, and the failure of ninety percent of diets. Think about it.
The solution? Fat is lost little by little , with proper and healthy nutrition and targeted training.
In some things you shouldn’t and can’t cheat. Your body is one of them.

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