Baldness, the innovative treatment: chest hair transplant

Baldness, the innovative treatment: chest hair transplant

It is perhaps the most innovative and original treatment for baldness, and has been successfully tested by Dr Thomy Kouremada Zioga of the Private Clinic in London. What is it about exactly? In fact, the transplant in question is an autotransplant , which differs from the classic autotransplant in the location from which the hair bulbs are taken. In the “classic” autotransplant, the patient’s hair bulbs are transferred from one area of ​​the scalp to another, to fill the areas where they have thinned out due to alopecia. In the variant experimented by Dr. Thomy Kouremada Zioga, the hair is not touched at all, but the hair, for example chest hair, is removed and transplanted in place of the hair. It must be said that the hair on the chest, and in general all the hairs, are slightly different from the hair, both in thickness and in length and shape, so that the transplanted hair will have a decidedly different appearance compared to the original one: in addition to being less thick, the hair is also more curly than the hair. At the moment, however, those who have undergone the surgery are satisfied with the new hair.
As far as the procedure is concerned, hair transplantation initially involves shaving the chest hair, subsequently extracting the hair follicles, and finally transplanting the sites affected by alopecia . The costs, as can be expected, are quite high: they are around 2.5 pounds per hair / hair, about three euros per hair. A 5000 hair transplant, for example, will cost around 15.0000 euros. The operation is quite long and is performed in day hospital, and immediately afterwards the patient can go home without problems. Few and negligible side effects, which are usually limited to temporary redness (both on the chest and on the head).

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