Bach flowers for dogs
The use of Bach flowers for dogs allows us to help and treat, in an absolutely natural, non-invasive, non-toxic and side-effect-free way, the emotions and behaviors of our animals in a wide variety of difficult situations.

Using Bach flowers for dogs begins with observing their emotional situation. Anyone who has had a dog, or who owns one, learns about the character and personality from its behavior and experiences every day the wide range of emotions that the animal is able to express, through body language , expressions . face and voice .
Therefore it is up to us to perceive their moods, because, like human beings, animals too, when they are not feeling well on an emotional level, also get physically ill.
Flower therapy and dogs
The principle underlying the use of Bach flowers for animals in general is based on the fact that these are living beings capable of emotions , just like humans. Our animals, in their immediacy and spontaneity, devoid of cultural superstructures, of social roles to impersonate, have a greater proximity to their true being, therefore the treatment with Bach flowers is, in a certain sense, simpler, without, for obvious reasons, include the inner work and the awareness of one’s defects, which emerges when one operates in the human field.
However, it is good to remember that the deficiencies of the owners cannot be remedied with flower therapy (such as the aggressiveness of dogs that do not have sufficient opportunities to vent their exuberance, or the excessive request for attention, when they remain alone for a long time). Different pathological pictures and disturbances of animal behavior derive, in fact, from the unsuitable coexistence with the human being, which causes the loss of their psychophysical equilibrium.Â
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Bach flowers for dogs
The use of Bach flowers for dogs starts from the observation of their emotional situation. It’s not as easy as it sounds, so let’s take some time and try to figure out from your pet’s behavior if it’s scared , aggressive , sad , hyperactive or if some of these moods combine with each other. Subsequently it is advisable to consult a veterinarian or flower therapist , for the formulation of the most suitable mixture for our animal.
Not only; we too often have to change the way we relate to our pet. In the case of major behavioral problems, for example, therapy can be a departure, but subsequently it will be combined with the advice of an instructor or behaviorist. Flower therapy does not distort the character, it balances the altered mental states. And this is the greatness of the Bach flowers. Here are some flower remedies for the most common cases:
- Rescue Remedy : One of the most important remedies for the natural well-being of dogs is the universal first aid remedy developed by Dr Edward Bach . This emergency remedy , along with 38 other Bach flower remedies, is used successfully by pet owners and veterinarians around the world when the dog is upset about traveling or visiting the vet ; if you are afraid of loud noises (eg New Year’s barrels); if you have been subjected to abuse , severe shock or if you have been abandoned; if he has to change house or owner; alsoin case of dog and cat convulsions . In general it is the remedy for dealing with an acute situation , perhaps with the risk of losing one’s life; or after having suffered a trauma ; if it has been run over ; after adelicate or painful  surgery .
- Heather : useful when our dog shows the inability to be alone even for a very short time and more generally tends to focus our attention on himself, for fear of abandonment . This remedy helps to make it calmer and gain more independence from the master. Heather is also used in dog and cat separation anxiety , in combination with other flowers.Â
- Vine : is suitable for dominant dogs, with an authoritarian and overbearing character . This flower will help him become more collaborative with other animals and with us.Â
- Mimulus : is the flower of fear . When loud noises startle him or if he is afraid to face a journey, transforming our trip into an acoustic hell, this is the remedy that gives calm and relaxation in facing everyday life. If, on the other hand, the storm terrifies him to the point that his heart seems to jump out of his ribs and his breathing becomes a rapid panting, it is more appropriate to administer Rock Rose , which is precisely the flower for panic, that is, the terror that paralyzes . Mimulus and Rock rose are also used for dog gingivitis .Â
- Holly : is the flower of jealousy and possessiveness . When our dog shows aggression towards those who approach us, especially if it is another dog or another animal or tries to defend his territory by barking, this remedy will allow us to reassure him and reassure him about the affection we feel for him and the lack of danger. for its territory. Holly is also used as a remedy for common dog tail problems .
- Star of Bethlehem : is the remedy to heal emotional wounds due to trauma. Abandonment and mistreatment due to the hand of man unfortunately are still the order of the day today. To help overcome these events, this remedy will comfort them, supporting them in the healing process. Star of Bethlehem is also useful for treating dog hair loss .
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