autoimmune disease

autoimmune disease

Hello, for an anxiety problem (especially around the 10 days before menstruation) I would like to take rhodiola , whose properties have magnified me. I am 38 years old, I am sick with multiple sclerosis and I am treated with interferon. I was wondering if rhodiola might be contraindicated in my case … I know it also affects the immune system. I look forward to a kind reply and cordially greet you. Michela G.

Health Answers

Anxiety is the manifestation of an emotional discomfort that can be effectively dealt with with the help of Bach flowers. I suggest you contact a BFRP (Bach Flowers Registered Paractitioner) who will be able to help you deal with your problem by listening and guiding you in choosing the best flower remedies for you. You can find the consultants registered in the Bach Center register closest to you on the website: Have a nice day!

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