Are there any natural remedies for psoriatic arthritis?

Are there any natural remedies for psoriatic arthritis?

I discovered that I have had psoriatic arthritis for three months, with a lot of pain in all joints (ankles, knees, wrists, fingers, shoulders, etc.) I am doing the Methotrexate 1 puncture a week, but the process is very slow. I wanted to know if something natural or eating differently could be useful. Thanks from Patrizia.

Health Answers

La Mandragora herbalist's shop by Hehn Jutta Annelie sas
Dear Patrizia, you could consider Noni juice, whose characteristics cannot be explained in this context with a few words. If you find it difficult to learn more about the characteristics of the fruit online, feel free to contact me, I am happy to send you a detailed sheet by e-mail. Best regards Giorgio Corradetti


Cinzia zedda - balances studio
Dear Patrizia, absolutely yes, nutrition is fundamental here too, it must eliminate all foods that produce inflammation and which therefore worsen the situation, help yourself with omega three and eliminate milk and derivatives. I do not know the drug you are using so I cannot help you in more detail by recommending herbal medicines that can help you in this healing process. If you like, contact me. Sincerely

Dr. Francesco Candeloro
There are no natural remedies that, given long-term, do not have harmful potential for the body, even if they can mitigate the symptoms of the disease you suffer from. Instead, there is a natural way of healing that uses remedies from the three kingdoms of nature, suitably attenuated in their toxicological power which, if professionally prescribed, are able to significantly improve the general picture of the individual and increasingly mitigate his symptoms. , not by suppression, or deepening, of the same, but by real strengthening of its defense and repair capabilities. This treatment is the homeopathic one, which, if done in compliance with its original methodology, always brings significant improvements to the people who approach it, regardless of the pathology suffered.
Hello, I certainly recommend physiological regulation medicine, that is the use of diluted and homeopathized interleukins, and the use of homotoxicological remedies, the aim is to modulate the immune system, drain and eliminate toxins.

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