Are there any natural cures for peripheral neuropathies?

Are there any natural cures for peripheral neuropathies?

Following the EMG examination, I was diagnosed with a mixed neuropathy with a prevalent axonic component. It seems that for this pathology the official medicine does not have suitable treatments to eradicate it. Can I hope for natural cures? Can you show me some valid and effective remedies? Pending, thank you and best regards.

Health Answers

Daniela Coin
Neuropathies, manifesting themselves with loss of sensitivity in some parts of the body, are evident signs of a desire not to “feel” something that bothers us or makes us suffer too much. As for neurological pathology, it has to do with a tension, anger and nervousness that end up being somatized in the body. Depending on the type of manifestation, the causes can be varied. More details would be needed to frame the problem precisely. The solution is always accompanied by the solution that causes the state of tension. Available, Daniela Coin.
Loredana Tocalli

Dear reader / recipient, the neuropathy you mention in your email does not have, for what you are referring, well-defined connotations and is a bit lacking in anamnestic information about you, it is so difficult to be able to give valid and personalized advice, so what I would like to recommend is a thorough visit to a homeopath expert who can take charge of your problem and treat you properly. Sincerely, Dr. Loredana Tocalli, Physician, Surgeon , Homeopath , Acupuncturist .

Grieco Rosa
Hi, in your e-mail he talks about a neuropathy but in my opinion and also of the colleagues there is no news on further tests performed, and more precise data, in short, I would say as the colleague already said, a little lacking in news, so it is not easy to be able to give valid advice. The only advice is to contact a good homeopath who will surely be able to take care of his problem. I wish you to resolve your problem soon and wish you a good evening. grieco rosa –

Cinzia zedda - balances studio
Hi, the information you have given me is insufficient to be able to help you although with inositol, generally speaking, good results have been seen but I repeat, the information you have provided is too superficial to be able to give you more precise indications. Yours sincerely Cinzia Zedda naturopathy / iridology

Aldo Serritiello

Consider taking Methylcobalamin (Vit. B12 in a highly bio-available form), together with a complex of B vitamins, the deficiency of which is often associated with neuropathies. Ozone therapy could also be a valid support. Cordial jumps

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