Anxiety: what can I do to live more peacefully?

Anxiety: what can I do to live more peacefully?

Good evening, I am a 32 year old girl and I have been suffering from anxiety for many years. I have always treated myself with homeopathic methods because I am afraid of taking medicines. And, I’m honest, I don’t want to take them. I have not felt very well this week, I feel dizzy, I feel weak, I am afraid, I am short of breath, I always feel pressure on my chest. At the moment I use the dropper of Bach flowers, but there is also another fact: I also have stomach problems and I am microcythemic and already at the change of season I take a treatment with folidex. I would like some advice on how I can cure this anxiety naturally, which makes me sick every time it comes to me. Thanks, I await your response.

Health Answers

Simona Vizzinisi
Hi, from what you describe it seems to me that this anxiety is due to an emotional stress factor so much that it also has stomach problems, as when we absorb a lot of heavy emotions we feel tired, without strength, and with headaches, moreover it stomach absorbs our emotions, so I would recommend you to do meditation, repisrazione and relaxation techniques, contact a certified or advanced pranotherapist and Pranich Healer, take walks in the open air and take a compound of vitamin B and vitamin D that you can easily find in a pharmacy or herbalist’s shop; work a lot with the breath as it is very important.For the stomach I would indicate in the meantime some probiotics, then also the use of aloe vera, also I ask you for your nutrition to help you get rid of stomach problems, surely working with meditation and relaxation will also benefit your stomach. I remain available
Simona Vizzinisi
Hi, from what you describe it seems to me that this anxiety is due to an emotional stress factor so much that it also has stomach problems, as when we absorb a lot of heavy emotions we feel tired, without strength, and with headaches, moreover it stomach absorbs our emotions, so I would recommend you to do meditation, repisrazione and relaxation techniques, contact a certified or advanced pranotherapist and Pranich Healer, take walks in the open air and take a compound of vitamin B and vitamin D that you can easily find in a pharmacy or herbalist’s shop; work a lot with the breath as it is very important.For the stomach I would indicate in the meantime some probiotics, then also the use of aloe vera, also I ask you for your nutrition to help you get rid of stomach problems, surely working with meditation and relaxation will also benefit your stomach. I remain available
Good morning. Anxiety is a natural reaction that arises in response to a person’s sense of fear. It often comes when you are unable to express your personality or following an intense emotional trauma (bereavement, separation, job loss, etc.). There is therefore a tendency to somatize on a physical level, in most cases the stomach is the most affected, but also the heart with tachycardia, excessive sweating, etc. You can solve this ailment. My working method excludes the assumption of any natural remedy, since the person has the opportunity to carry out a path of growth and personal awareness that allows the achievement of a psychophysical balance, also aimed at a correct diet. For more information, you can consult my website www.psicosomaticamilano. it and if you wish to contact me privately. A cordial greeting, Dr. Manuela Gravante
Laura Marconi
Good evening, I advise you to take, in addition to the Bach flowers, some trace elements, oral vials whose contents must be poured and held for a couple of minutes under the tongue. They are minerals naturally present in our body, in physiological doses, they do not interfere with other drugs and there is no risk of overdose. Take Manganese-Cobalt, 1 ampoule a day between meals in the afternoon and 3 vials of Lithium, including one before going to sleep, all for a month. It should also solve the problem of gastritis. Laura Marconi, Naturopath
Italian center of bioenergetics
In addition to magnesium, as I recommended to Cristina today on this site, and therefore nuts, infused with nettle and legumes, also the “non-gymnastics” on the energy meridians recommended to Cristina are particularly suitable given the sense of fear she describes. For eating habits and gastritis abolish cappuccino and have breakfast with brown rice cream, and if you feel like it, even steamed vegetables and sweet fruit. For any lesions caused by gastritis, for a curative purpose, for a month in the morning a centrifuged of a few leaves of cabbage with an apple. In the evening a little mallow will help further, a few times a week, to reduce the inflammatory state of the gastric mucosa. Obviously reduce, better eliminate, fried foods, smoking and alcohol, the 3 meals at fixed times and equidistant from each other. Dr.

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