Anti-cellulite cup, how to choose it

Anti-cellulite cup, how to choose it

Cupping is a therapeutic technique of traditional Chinese medicine: increasingly known also in the West, it is today an alternative aesthetic treatment against cellulite.


Cupping – what it is

Cupping consists in applying  cups of glass or other material, in which a vacuum is previously created, on the skin of the treated, at certain points. 


In traditional Chinese medicine it is applied for therapeutic purposes on the meridians and tsubo, as well as on painful areas. In the West it is applied by therapists specialized in TCM, but not only: cupping has also found utility in the world of aesthetics . 


Its function is in fact to move the adipose accumulations and the edematous stagnation, eliminating the invasion of humid energy which, according to traditional Chinese medicine, is responsible for cellulite . 


Finally, the suction phenomenon generates a connective and lymphatic drainage massage , with stimulation of the local circulation. 


Anti-cellulite cup: how to choose it

The cupping technique with the aim of reducing cellulite is practiced in many beauty centers , but now it is also possible to perform it at home. 


On the market there are different types of cups for aesthetic and therapeutic purposes , and knowing how to choose them is important to achieve the desired results in a simple way.


The characteristics of a good anti-cellulite cup must be:


> washable and sanitizable material : latex and rubber are fine, the cup must be soft and easy to handle, avoid glass and rigid material, as it will be difficult to create the suction effect inside the cup (it would be necessary to use a heat source) and because they are tools reserved for those with adequate training in traditional Chinese medicine and cupping;


> sizes : there are anti-cellulite cups of various sizes. The ideal size is around 5 cm in diameter : these cups are easy to handle and perform a precise and more localized massage. 


Also consider that, in order to work, you must create a vacuum inside the cup , acting with the fingers of the hands and pressing, which, using cups that are too large, it is not possible to do;


> there are cup kits of various sizes : each product usually also contains instructions for effective use, and dedicates different diameters and different shapes of cups to distinct parts of the body. 


It is not necessary to have more than one or two cups , but if you want to try it, rely on the suggestions of the producers;


> duration : the cups last no more than 6 months. With the use of creams and oils, and therefore with frequent washing, the latex degrades and dries up, losing its flexibility characteristics. Be wary of those who promise you a longer life, unless you use the cup once a month, which would be completely ineffective against cellulite.


The anti- cellulite cup can be used on the buttocks, thighs, hips and abdomen. Always remember that cellulite will not magically go away by using the cup once in a while. It takes consistency , even if the results on the skin can be seen already from the first days of use. 


Also use it every day , if you do not have particularly painful cellulite and do not suffer from capillary fragility. Always combine a cream or a draining oil , to slide the cup on the skin without damaging the delicate surface capillary network. 


Finally, act on several fronts: healthy nutrition and adequate physical activity greatly improve the results that can be obtained.


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