Abdominal in 7 minutes with the chair technique
You will only need a chair to be able to perform abdominals at home in 7 minutes, easy, fast, without contraindications. These short chair exercises will allow you to slim down your waist and have visible results in no time.
You don’t need a mat, you don’t need to work too hard or use weights to train your abdomen properly. This is what Dr. Alan Mandell illustrates , who on his youtube page, Motivational Doc, explains how to obtain scientifically proven results with the right training. The abdominal technique on the chair is within everyone’s reach, and unlike many other exercises that involve the abdomen, it allows you to train the waist without making mistakes.
The exercises you need to do are only 4, per 100 repetitions per exercise.
1.Leg Lift Exercise

While sitting in the chair with your feet resting normally on the ground, you need to lift one leg at a time with the knee bent towards your chest, counting 50 reps per leg. The exercise is illustrated in this video, from second 54. Just like the model, you can lean your back against the chair.
2. Raise with legs together and crossed
Now you have to keep your legs crossed, and lift them both as far as you can like in this video. Start with 10 reps and over time try to get to 100.
3. Bicycle in the chair
This time, the left leg is lifted to touch the right elbow with a small twist of the torso and vice versa, the right touches the left elbow. Do 50 reps per leg. Here is the video that illustrates the exercise.
4. Chair stretches
This is very simple and is the closing exercise for your short workout! Sitting in a normal position with your arms along your torso, you must alternately lower your arms as if touching the ground with your fingertips, bending your abdomen to the side. Do this 50 times on each side or count 100 alternating reps. At 6.28 minutes of this video you can see the exercise.
You can alternate these exercises with the very easy abs that you can do while standing and that you find here.
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