Planter fasciitis and groin pain: who should I contact?
Good morning, I am writing to you, I think like all those who are here, because I am desperate. I state that I have been suffering from irritable bowel and anxiety for 7 years. I was able to keep him at bay enough by training every day but now due to injuries I can’t train and the problems are unbearable. In January 2013 I changed the type of training to prepare for a marathon and within 2 weeks I got fasciitis plantere. Until June I stayed still then slowly I started again. In September I changed running shoes, I did tests for running support and so on and after 2 workouts I developed a severe pain in the groin, disabling, I had 2 weeks of bed with cortisone and anti-inflammatory injections without no effect. I did ultrasound and x-rays (since it took me inside the thigh (a nerve or tendon felt very hard and protruding), visit to an orthopedist and physiotherapistbut for them everything is ok. I continue to have pain, I go to a “bone puller” for that nerve / tendon, it crushes it in me and 50% of the pain passes to me. Even now, after 4 and a half months if I do exercises like reverse abdominals or raise the knee to the chest my groin hurts a lot and there are kind of nodules that get bigger and they hurt me a lot to the touch. If I take the stairs, my right testicle (same as the groin) also hurts. I can’t do yoga either because 90% of the movements hurt me a lot … and the “fasciitis plantere” persists . What do you think it can be? Who could I go to and what could I do? Thank you
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