Heart health
It beats even when we don’t remember it, it delights as much in movement as in rest. We know the enemies of the heart and we understand how to safeguard their health
Muscular organ of surprising power and beauty, the heart is closely linked to breathing, its rhythm is directly influenced by the general state of serenity of the organism. Anxiety is a factor that directly attacks the heart, as is depression .
Connected to the chakra Anahata , the fourth, to which the pink and green colors are associated; its main functions are love ,  compassion , patience  and humility . The  associated keyword  is  I LOVE.
Anahata is related to the air  element   and encompasses the  transformation  and  healing of oneself and others .
To safeguard it from thrombosis and widespread cardiovascular diseases, a few precautions are enough that make the difference. We have identified for you some bitter enemies from which you must strictly guard yourself if your health is “at heart”.Â
In traditional Chinese medicine, on the other hand, the heart (Xin) has the  charge of lord and master , it possesses the  brightness of Shen.Â
Heart murmur: causes and useful advice
The enemies of the heart
Let’s identify some enemies of the heart:
Smoke. Cigarette damages the heart. Specifically, carbon monoxide, tar and other substances present in smoke penetrate the blood and inflame the walls of the arteries , facilitating the accumulation of fats and toxins and the formation of atheromatous plaques and thrombi. If this is true for active smoking , it is also true that it is better to avoid passive smoking ; don’t be afraid to tell those who smoke next to you that it might be nice and civilized to move further. Having to repeat it often is frustrating but if you say it with a smile it’s better.Â
Stress. Stress management is directly linked to the well-being of the heart. The protracted psychological tension causes the release, in the blood, of certain hormones that increase blood pressure. The consequence is that the passage of blood and oxygen slows down and the risk of blood clots increases. Meditating, moving your body, taking your own space are fundamental actions. Â
Sedentary lifestyle. Those who do not move do not love themselves. Movement of the body is essential. Physical inactivity doubles the risk of heart attack and stroke. Start playing sports. Choose aerobic sports, which require long and sustained effort, such as walking, running, cycling, swimming.Â
Salt. Excess salt causes blood pressure to rise and the risk of cardiovascular disease increases. Try to reduce the amount added to the dishes (maximum one teaspoon per day), but also pay attention to what is already present in the foods (eg vegetables, fish and meats in oil and vinegar, nuts).  Â
Overweight. Aspect directly linked to the absence of physical practices and motor disciplines, being overweight damages the heart and its functionality. The result is hypertension, excessive muscle work, as well as a considerable overload to the detriment of the joints of the legs and back.
If you want to identify the ideal weight, you can do it by identifying the body mass index (weight, in kilograms, divided by height, in meters squared) in relation to the abdominal circumference.Â
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