Slow metabolism vs fast metabolism: the truths
Many people believe they have a slow metabolism.
Indeed, to be as if condemned by one’s own metabolism. This is why if they eat something too much even once a month they gain three kilos, if they go on a diet they don’t lose weight, if they exercise, they don’t notice any improvement.
Raise your hand if you, speaking of metabolism, still believe that it is a mystery equal to Atlantis, who knows how it is governed and how it works.
Well, the moment of truth has come. Here are some things you absolutely need to know about slow metabolism and fast metabolism.
Certainly you know some, others you don’t think so.
Let’s remember what metabolism is.
It is the set of mechanisms thanks to which a living body is able to carry out all its activities, from breathing to movement, etc., through the production and use of energy. Now, our body needs to feed itself to produce energy.
The problem is how much of this energy it uses and how much it sets aside.
- Those with a slow metabolism suffer from what is called ” metabolic efficiency “: that is, they tend to save energy, not use it all. So having an efficient metabolism means that our metabolism is slow.
- Those who have a fast metabolism, on the other hand, have ” metabolic flexibility “: that is, of whatever origin is their energy source (from fats, sugars, alcohol …), this person will exploit it metabolically.
Metabolism depends to some extent on our body structure .
The more lean mass and muscle we have, the faster and more flexible our metabolism tends to be.
Conversely, the correlation between body fat cells and metabolism is still unclear. That is, it is not yet known whether those with more adipocytes have a worse metabolism, while it seems true that those with larger adipocytes, regardless of the number, may have a risk of metabolic syndrome. In short, it is the size of the adipocytes more than their number that suggests a metabolic problem. -
Precisely because of point 1, men have a faster metabolism than women.
I know. This is a very sad, very sad thing.
Women are somewhat victims of a higher percentage of fat which is physiological. From this point of view, nature is merciless. Women are metabolically efficient, that is, they tend, as we have seen, to conserve energy , because, among other things, they have to procreate.
The possibility of having a child is a potential risk for survival, which nature provides by making the woman conserve more energy in order to procreate.
This is why a woman who loses weight by falling below a certain percentage of body fat loses her period and ovulation.
But it’s also why women generally tend to crave sweet or carbohydrate-based foods more than men.
Basal metabolism and total metabolism ARE NOT the same thing .
The first is the set of processes that uses energy for the vital functions of the organism, for example breathing. If we were standing still all day, hypothetically, we would burn when it is necessary for our basal metabolic rate.
Those who have a totally sedentary lifestyle therefore have a low daily calorie ceiling closer to their basal metabolism . Total metabolism, on the other hand, is the sum of the basal metabolism plus the energy requirement to carry out all the activities considered non-essential to survival.
For example, physical activity, going to work, doing sports, etc. This means that the more these activities are, the more calories I will have to consume.
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