Discovered the mechanism by which we lose weight

Discovered the mechanism by which we lose weight

Have you ever wondered how we lose weight?
That is, exactly what is the mechanism that fat gets rid of from the body, what happens physically?
You will often hear that when we lose weight we do it because we burn energy, as if our body were burning. We actually convert what we eat into energy, at least in part. When the body’s energy demands are greater than what we eat, fat is used for energy purposes. So far it is clear. But how exactly is body fat lost? Is it converted to energy point and so we lose weight? Not exactly.

Discovered the mechanism by which we lose weight

Weight loss is a matter of air, according to Ruben Meerman, an Australian physicist who hosts a scientific TV program: he is a bit like our Piero Angela, only he is a physicist and not a science writer.

Meerman explained in detail what our weight loss is all about. Or how you lose fat, after asking this same question to 150 doctors and scientists, some of whom have obviously given wrong answers ( for example: it is false that the fat we lose is converted into muscle ).

Here’s the truth: Our fat cells are essentially made up of triglycerides, which in turn are molecules made up of carbon, oxygen and hydrogen.
According to this formula  C 55 H 104 O 6 + 78O 2 → 55CO 2 + 52H 2 O + energy , which represents the conversion of fat into chemical elements, we release these elements through the breath for 84%, and minimally through liquids (by peeing) by 16%. The rest, as we have seen, is for energy purposes.

You got it right. We get rid of fat by breathing, which however does not mean that it is as easy as breathing, but that the usual advice of “eat less and exercise more” is according to experts the only real strategy to lose weight, because this would allow the liberation of fat cells into air, fluids and converting energy.

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